Chapter 2:Hall annoyances

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Karl honestly thinks we hate him. Which is kinda sad, but a reputation we must keep. I find it honestly cute that he fell for me over the over-zealous flirtatious duck boy he hangs out with or the rose-covered girl with brown hair.

"Mr halo get back here with your buddies," The annoying hall monitor bellowed.

"Fuck no, why would I ever get back there when you're there," I called over my shoulder back at him before Punz andDream looked back at me to say split.

It's what we do to lose him, well two of them, and then we always meet in the library, because why the fuck would we go there?

Why would poplar bullies hang out in the boredom zone? I nodded and sprinted right, Punz dipped up the stairs and Dream went left. Our campus was composed of 3 buildings because apparently, nobody can figure out how to build one building to fit 5000 students, and however many faculty we have, even though it's always the same one who chases us.

I didn't hear the hall monitor after me so my guess is he went after one of the others or got stuck in oncoming foot traffic, since it is a passing period technically.

Lucky us

I ran along to the East-wing campus, which's pretty bland hoping I don't run into Geroge knowing the majority of his classes are over here.

It is pretty much why Dream never comes over here unless he needs to, as I ran up the stairs I was noticed rather quickly by Quackity and George.

"Running from foolish again?" Quackity said unamused, "Why is it always you over here"

"Yeah it'll be nice to seeDreamie instead of you running" George added.

"Yes, of course, I'm running from the annoying hall monitor," I said panting softly, I fucking hate running, "and Dream doesn't come over here because of George"

"Maybe if you weren't such a bully you wouldn't be running constantly," Quackity said, "you bully someone who likes you too much Sapnap"

That's the point, he shouldn't like me, im not a good person. But yet he still looks at me in a lovey wishy-washy way.

"What you mean he doesn't?! He totally does and is scared to admit" George whined crossing his arms.

Alright, I'll bring this up to Dream, George needs a beating to get it in his skull Dream doesn't like him, Noted.

"God you are diluted" I sighed, "im, done arguing with crazed simps"

Dream along with Punz and I certainly only love Karl Jacobs, though we try hard to hide it as we have a very illegal secret to that crush.

I looked at them with an annoyed glare, before I ran off into the crowd hearing the hall monitor coming up behind me.

"Halo get back here" he screamed.

As I slid down a hallway and went a slightly different way I could hear George's voice mimic.,"He went towards the art department!"

His direction isnt much of use when all the colors are mixed and matched, flipped upside down.,"like that's gonna be useful" I murmur.

As I enter the library from the left side panting as I look up to see Punz and Dream.

"he chased you huh? You came from a different way" Dream snickered.

"yes, like seriously why me," I pant and stand abit,"I really hate running."

"Also George is still diluted" I add on looking to Dream.

"he really doesn't understand no" Punz said face palming.,"maybe we need to set him up with someone to get him off Dreams ass"

"Maybe I can get my brother to.... Though he's introverted to the max" I said softly asDream hugged me from behind.

" What's his name again, Panda?"Dream purred softly.

"Corpse-" I say softly eyeing him.

"he won't do anything after all we must be quiet... But where could we find him?" Punz raised an eyebrow at me looking at me with his crystal blues.

"probally in here honstly" I hum glazing around, "he likes to play cool math games on the computers"

They chuckled and we headed over to the computer wing of the library as expected we saw my slightly older brother, "Corpsey!"

"What do you want my asshole of a little sibling" he grumbled, in his deep voice.

"you know~ how the boy you've been crushing on likesDream to an annoying degree?" I Asked pulling a chair by him.

"Has he finally given up?" my brother's voice said hyping up, behind hid deep voice

"Not quiet but, we think if you present yourself as a option, with how handsome you look youd have a chance" Dream said, "he seems to be a simp for tall guys".

"You really think..?" Corpse said blushing softly.

"Dream dont flirt with my bother" I socld dream with a soft glare. "Hed be an idoit to not like you"

"Shocks me hes this obsessive with an asshole like Dream, to be fair" Punz said.

"Agreed– ill happily take him off ur hands," Corpse said of a smile, "plus keep it down in my bothers room, I don't need to hear you snogging"

I turned red... not because I was flustered or embarrassed... Big bother would be so disappointed to know that's not what that is.. It's not us snogging.. Or making love. Its something much more illegal.

Dream and Punz laughed it off, im ashamed we do as we do, but something about giving so much adrenaline not to be caught.

But we certainly don't regret it.

"We aren't snogging" Punz snickers, "but keep on thinking that, sure go for it"

Corpse nodded, "I will be inclined to think the two who changed my bother for worse is doing something with him, thank you" his voice deepened, "but please keep it down next time"

What he hears .. isn't us hooking up... But simping.. In a creepy way.

My bother is clueless about what. And that's good for us. He would totally snitch.



it's getting juicy!


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