Chapter ten : lover cuddles, hardships

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As Karl mentioned his loves did have a very suspicious aura to them, but Karl couldnt put his figure on it. Never the less he loved these boys probably more then words could describe. Sure they bullied him, made his like hell for years, but he wouldn't compline when he finally gets a chance with Sapnap.

The tallish raven haired boy, that sure can be an idiot at times, with his dreamy dark jaded midnight greens. One could simply loos track of time staring in to, its like space. Sure he has the two blondes to, one with glissing blue eyes, one could simply drown in.

And the other with lime eyes, so frinced and bright, with a constant stream of uncertainty ridden on his face, of what he thought or felt.

The red flags his brain ganders on, will be ignored. Maybe its paranoia from how badly his ex Molly treated him... though she did disappear after she,broke his beating friend, in his chest.

Pumping a red substance in and around his body, making more as it flows in a consistent pattern.

Thump thumppy thump.

A pattern that stuck in the trios mind, now they hear it, as their heads take turns resting on there short brunettes chest. With its repeated rhythm, calming to the obsessed boys, what they craved to hear, they are finally letting there egotistical, and fierce rudeness rade for the boy.

They are obsessive, but thats 'alright' to them, for their love is astronomically unsettling.

But unaware to the victim these three are like that, to him its jus a random change of heart, a one hes wished on the stars for many nights for, while felling watched, chalking it to having paranoia, due to years of mistreatment at school.

¨my wish upon the stars, finally came true¨ Karl whispered softly, hand gently combing through Dreams hair, all so softly.

¨you wished on the stars for this?¨ Sapnap said in a sweetened whisper.

His heart was now beating, in a skipping pattern, as his face gushed in red, but more of a salmon color.

¨Yeah.. I mean mostly with sap.. But I don't mind having more then one¨ Karl said with a soft smile as Dream softly took and kissed his hand.


The fours heads spin to see Goegre and their mother.

¨WHat is this??!¨ The mother said in a very drastic tone.

¨Happiness¨ Punz said with his colden bliss, ¨Something Goerge wouldn't have a clue about¨

¨I do have a good idea of it! He just is refusing to let me express it to him¨George whines.

¨If i'm your idea of happiness, may i sudjust corpse as your test run?¨ Dream smiled innocently as he held, the colorblind boys brother.

¨Now Dream, its unfair for one of my boys, who loved you along time see you are middling with his brother¨ The mother said sweetly, ¨Id like to see if youre breaking ones heart, for you not to get in the middle and make a family war¨

¨If george makes a war over this, is maturity is thus one in 5th grade still, and should have that checked.¨ Sapnap said, ¨fact of the matter is if Dream really loves Karl, George should be happy for him, even if that means he doesn't get chance, thats sibling love for you¨

¨It should be me¨ George shrinks, ¨I liked him forced I called him!!¨

¨you cannot call a human George, plus he is with Punz and Sapnap, so if they don't also see you romantically you had no chance to began with¨ Karl said softly.

¨Thats why Karl gets a chance and not you, because– we tried to bully it off but we all did like him for a long time¨ Punz said glaring at George.

¨so youre saying, sorry im not very in tunned with the new generation¨ the mother paused, ¨George got rejected because you're already taken, and the others you're with didnt like him, but liked his brother as did you..?¨

¨Yes, thats how polygomy relationships work, we have to agree to it¨ Dream said, ¨but also what happened in 5th between me and presume your eldest, as restrained him from ever having a chance¨

The mother nodded understanding the situation more, ¨George honey you just need to move on, you cant really control this, be their for your brother incase they hurt him¨

Georges eyes light up.

¨if you say a word of this at school. Or try to ruin our relationship you're in for a worst version of what happened to our bunny here¨ Sapnap thretents before adding,

¨plus, i think my brother will treat you better then Dream ever could, hes not the most loving ever¨

That was a blatant lie, but if Corpse was gonna have a chance they did need to work ever so slightly together, in this rampet of obsession.

The mother took George out by ear, you could hear motherly scold, but they wore ballred by cries of George.. Til a calming silence emerged.

¨Its gonna be okay, if he doesn't love you he doesn't see how great you are, truly¨ Corpses voice rang.

A soft smile on Sapnaps face as he glanced to his lovers.

¨Corpse will treat my bother so well I can tell¨ Karl said, with the smallest of small smiles.

"All i ever wanted was him waht is their not to see?!" you could hear a drowned out tear filled voice.

Soon followed by a comforting deep voice. Punz leaned and closed the door, "someone failed to listen to the teachers deemands to close doors. " he snickered.

It's about damn time. Maybe probmanic george will be gone.


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