Fifteen - Live for

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*'Living dreams we can never afford'*

warning - this chapter may contain mature content. If you aren't comfortable reading it, you can either skip this chapter or 'mature content' will appear before it begins. enjoy!


I pull up into his driveway and twist the key in the ignition, turning the engine off. I sit back in my seat, contemplating if I should really just walk up into his house or just make a u-turn and go back home. I don't why but I felt like I forgave him too easily but with what Lamar said, there seemed to be nothing wrong. I end up getting out the car and I slam the door shut, locking it behind me.

I walk up to the door, turning back heavy on mind and I finally reach the door before putting my hand up to knock the door. Before my hand even touches the door, it swings wide open, a smiling Abel on the other side with a bouquet of roses in his hand.

"Hi, baby,"


He gestures for me to step inside and I do, before taking the roses he offers me. He leans in to kiss me but I quickly turn my head, swerving it and letting his lips land on my cheek. He frowns as I walk past him into his living room, shrugging the denim jacket I had off onto his sofa and placing the roses beside it.

 He frowns as I walk past him into his living room, shrugging the denim jacket I had off onto his sofa and placing the roses beside it

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"You're gonna have to earn your kisses back bae," I say, turning back around to see him leaning on the doorframe.

"So that's how it's gonna be now," he asks playfully, walking up to me and I nod, crossing my arms over my chest. His phone starts ringing from his pocket but he ignores it, finally reaching where I stood.

"Aren't you gonna get that?" I question, taking a step back each step he took forward. He shakes his head, taking his phone out his pocket and pressing 'Decline' before tossing it onto the sofa. My back hits something cold and I look to see I've reached the wall of windows. I turn my head back around to see Abel standing right in front of me, smirking.

"I've got more important things to attend to," he murmurs, his eyes scanning my body from top to bottom. I fidget with my fingers, suddenly feeling nervous about what's happening and feeling vulnerable standing before him. I feel my chin being lifted and I'm forced to look into his brown, shimmering eyes, his fingers lingering under my chin for a moment too long.

"And what's that?" I question, curious about his answer.


His lips smash onto mine and I'm taken by surprise before I kiss him back and groan in his mouth, lifting my arms up around his shoulders. The force of the kiss pushes me back into the window and Abel's hands travel down to my thighs before he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. I feel him start to softly nibble my bottom lip and I let out a moan before his tongue brushes against my upper lip. My lips open like automatic gates, and our tongues dance together, his fighting dominance over mine.

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