Six - What you Need

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A buzzing from my side table is what wakes me up at 9am. I groan as I try to reach for my phone, trying to silence it but as I reach out of it, I hear something clatter to the floor. When I peek to see what it is, it's my phone. Great.

I try to ignore it and go back to sleep and I let out a sigh of relief when it finally stops, but then a second later, the buzzing returns.

"Bro, who the fuck is it?"

I finally grab it off the floor and sit up in bed to see who's calling me. I see the contact name 'Simi' calling me. This is what woke me up. For fucks sake.

I decline the call and block the contact, having no intention of her having my phone blowing up again. Last night, I went to go talk to her to break it off and she ended up trying to make out with me. That's when I saw Luara hand in hand with Aubrey and best believe I was not letting that happen. He's a player and he would've broken her heart, no matter what they were planning to do that night.

Even after Simi's attempt to distract me, I told her that I was done and that's when she starting begging me not to. I just walked away at that point and thats when I waited for Lua outside the bathrooms.

Now that I was awake, I got up and went to go freshen up before I went downstairs to the kitchen in my rented condo. After ordering breakfast from a cafe downtown, I flopped down on my sofa and pulled up Rick and Morty on the tv. I find my mind wandering back to last night, the way her skin felt against my lips, the way her hips moved against me. Once again, she was clouding my mind with no effort.

I haven't got a clue what the fuck is going on with me. It wasn't even like this with Bella and to be honest, she was the realest relationship I had. It's not like I'm falling in love, that shit ain't worth my time no more. But Luara was something different. It's only been a day and she was doing something to me. Something I was not familiar with.

I reach for my phone that's next to me on the sofa and search up Lua's contact before typing up a message and hitting send.

Now, I wait for a reply.


Everything hurts. I knew I shouldn't of drank that much last night but to be honest, that was the least of my worries. I fucking danced on Abel Tesfaye.


The way he touched my body, guided my hips to move against him, it's all just clouding my mind. Never did I ever think that not only would I end up at the concert of my favourite artist but also have an intimate moment with him. I mean I was literally inches away from kissing him! I groan as my head starts pounding and I stuff my face into my pillow, refusing to get up. Just the thought of walking makes my legs hurt.

My bedroom door swings open but I don't bother looking to see who it is because I already have an idea of who it could be.

"Lua, get up now!"

Something soft smacks me on the back of my head and I yelp out of surprise. I bring my face out of my pillow to look at Kay who's standing there, dressed up like she's about to go out.

"Where in the world are you going, young lady,"

"I may or may not have a small lunch date with someone," she says with a guilty tone, probably because she didn't tell me until now.

"What! With who?"

I throw the duvet off my body, despite the fact that it hurts like a bitch. I don't even know what I did that's making my whole body hurt but now, Makayla's story has got my ears perked up. Kay seems to notice how I wince every time I move and she tries to change the subject.

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