Eleven - Starboy

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*'I'm a motherfuckin' starboy'*


"Thank you for saving me tonight, Abel,"

I lean my head on his shoulder and close my eyes as his driver takes a left turn towards my apartment building and I take a guess that I'll be home in around 5-6 mins.

"Of course baby girl, I'd never let anyone put a hand on you." His hand snakes around my waist and I let out a breath of comfort at his touch. It's only been a few days since me and Abel have for real being hanging out and to be honest, it's felt like I've known him for a while. Despite the fact I've been listening to his songs for a few years, I've gotten to know the real him, and I've been loving it. He can make anyone laugh in a heartbeat, but he's also there for you whenever you need him and I love that about him.

I feel the car come to a stop and I open my eyes and look up to see Abel leaning his head on mine with his eyes closed. He looks so peaceful with his eyes closed and honestly, he looks really handsome. I genuinely take in his features now with his dark, smooth skin shining under the car light and his scruffy beard sits so well on his face. Before I can even second guess what I'm doing, I reach up to caress his face, wanting to feel the peace he's feeling. His eyes fly open and he looks down towards me with a surprised look on his face. I lazily smile up at him, the alcohol still lingering in my system and he continues to look down at me when all of a sudden, he leans away from me and reaches to open the door. He slams the door closed and I'm left in the car, confusion prominent on my face.

What the fuck just happened?

Everything was going fine up until now. What is it something I did? Should I not have touched his face? I reach for my purse that dropped on the floor of the car and thank the driver before I open the door to see Abel leaning against a pillar outside of the building with his back facing towards me, smoke floating away from his face. I sigh as I step out and close the door, catching Abel's attention. As I walk up to him, he throws his cigarette onto the floor and steps on it, stumping it out. I get closer with each step and by the time I get to him, I walk past him, leaving him there with his mouth left a bit open.

Who the fuck am I to just take that disrespect? The least you could do is tell me if I did something wrong, not storm off like a child, gosh.

"Luara!" He calls after me but I don't bother to turn around. I walk into the lobby of my apartment building, greeting Bobby as I quickly walk by.

"Luara, stop!"

I feel myself being forced to turn around when he grabs onto my arm to make me look at him.

"What's up with you, why you storming away?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking that?" I look up at him, turning my head a bit to the side to hear something, anything for him to say but he says nothing.

"What the fuck was that, Abel? You can't just expect me to read your mind and realise what's up with you, you're gonna have to communicate with me. So..?"

"It's just..," He starts before he looks to the side, letting out a breath it seems like he's been holding for a while.

"I've never felt like this before, this fast with anyone Luara and I don't know what's happening and whether it's a good thing or maybe I'm just wasting my time?" My words are stuck in my throat when he finishes speaking. He looks at me longingly, waiting for me to say anything but I have no clue what to say. So I'm just a waste of time to him?

"So what does that mean then Abel? Am I just a waste of time then, I don't understan-"

"I'm saying that I genuinely like you Luara! Even though it's only been a few days, I feel a connection with you I've never felt with any other girl this fast. And when I say waste of time, I have no clue if you feel the same way. Trust me, this is weird to me because I'm not the typa person to start expressing my feelings for someone else this way." He finishes off as he steps closer to me and rests his hands on my shoulders.

I look down at my feet, confusion running in my mind. His hand reaches to my chin and he lifts my face up to meet his in a kiss. He places his lips on mine and softly kisses me before I start to kiss him back, but I quickly pull away just as fast.

"Abel..," I look up to meet his eyes, "I like you too. And it's not because I've been a fan of yours but because I've gotten to know the real you these past few days. And, to be honest with you, I've never felt this way with anyone else either." His face suddenly lights up and he picks me up, twirling me around on the spot and I laugh, throwing my head back. I squeal when he picks up the pace and I start to hit his shoulder, signalling to put me down. He slows down and places my feet down on the floor.

"But, if we're gonna be real with each other, I don't want to go fast with what's going on between us. I just got out of a relationship and to be real, I'm not completely over it, even if he did cheat on me."

"It's okay angel, we can go at whatever pace you want. Just promise me you won't break my heart."

"Shouldn't I be saying that to you?" I laugh and he chuckles with me, before our laughter fades away and he looks at me longingly.

"I'll promise you as long as you promise me," I look up at him and he pauses before he finally nods. I hold out my pinky finger towards him and he chuckles before looking at me with a 'are you serious' look.

"What? If we're gonna do this, we have to do it the right way,"

"Okay, okay, I have nothing against it angel,"

He holds his pinky finger out towards me and joins it with mine before we both stamp our thumbs together and I bring our thumbs up to my lips, kissing them softly and he does the same, copying my actions.

"I promise to never break your heart, Luara,"

"I promise to never break yours, Abel,"


Hey guys!! This chapter is sort of a filler chapter and I just typed it up today because I wanted to upload another chapter!! I sort of had writers block but come up with something but I promise the next chapter is gonna be much much better. I wanted to make sure Luara and Abel don't go too fast in this 'relationship' they have so far and just wanted to make it clear in this chapter. Thank you for reading!!

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