Five - Popular

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*'Never be free 'cause she popular'*


Would you believe the surprise I got when I walked in the room earlier and saw her.


That's her name.

I'd never forget that.

We're now in my SUV on the way to a new club that recently opened. She's sitting next to me, hands in her lap, looking out the window. No matter hard I try, I just can't seem to look away from her. I think she notices because she turns around to me, and smiles, a smile I'll never forget. It's mesmerising.

What the fuck is happening to me. I haven't felt like this since Bella and I promised myself I wouldn't fall for someone like that again. It's just too painful. Nah, I've got to get my shit together. It hasn't even been a full hour and I can't get her out my mind.

It's just us two in my car, her best friend, Makayla, I think her name was, went in a car with Lamar. I could sense something there when he walked through the door, but then again, it isn't the first time that's happened with a guy like Lamar.

The car stops and Freddy opens the door on my side. I turn to Luara.

"Hey, um there might be a crowd of paparazzi outside so do you wanna take my hand? Just so I can lead through them," I say, reaching my hand out towards her.

"Yeah, sure you're the expert," she says, smiling once again. She takes my hand and I squeeze it before turning around to get out the car, her following behind. Just as I expected, a wave of flashes start attacking us, and questions like:

"Who's the new girl? Did you and Simi break up?"

"Weeknd! Who's the mystery girl?"

"Does Simi know you're here with another girl?"

I feel Luara squeeze my hand and I squeeze it back, understanding her feeling of discomfort. After getting past all the paparazzi, we make it into the club, only to be greeted by the club owner.

"Mr. Tesfaye, what a surprise! Thank you for visiting Cupid Nine and enjoy! If you need anything, just let me know and I'll get it sorted for you." He says, when his eyes start lingering over something next to me. I look to see he's staring at Luara and suddenly a wave of anger overcomes me. Luara looks uncomfortable under his stare, and I squeeze her hand tighter, making her look up at me. She smiles, but I can tell it's not genuine.

"We're fine, thanks," I say as I push past him, hitting his shoulder with mine as I do so.

Who the fuck does he think he is, staring at her like that? He'll regret that later.

We start making our way towards the VIP section and the bouncer lets us through easily. I lead her towards our booth in the back and we finally sit down, our hands still connected. She doesn't make any sign that she's going to let go so I don't either. Her hands are soft and warm and I find myself taking comfort in the contact we're making. My knee touches hers and I find myself needing a drink.


"Hey, I'm gonna go get some drinks, you want anything?"

"Uh, yeah sure, I'll just take a martini thanks,"

I get up and walk towards the bar, telling the bartender the drinks I want. I start looking around when I see Simi enter the club. Shit. Now she's gonna get onto me for coming over here with another girl. Might as well get this over and done with. I leave the bar, completely forgetting about the drinks I ordered and make my way towards Simi, her eyes already on me. I can tell she's pissed but I'm not having any of it. Not tonight.

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