Twelve - Rockin'

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*'You don't have to spend your life with me'*

Two weeks later


C'mon baby, stop fronting and message me back. I miss you. I'm sorry for what I did.

I roll my eyes and sigh heavily before placing my phone back down on the table, facing down. I pick my fork back up and absentmindedly play around with the caesar salad I ordered before my phone starts vibrating against the table again. I don't even bother to make a move to pick it up and see who's messaging me because I already know who it is.

"You're not gonna see who that is? It might be Abel,"

Makayla looks over at me from across the table and then, at my phone before she stuffs a bite of her chicken into her mouth.

"No, it's okay, I know it's not him."

She takes a sip of the iced tea she bought before she speaks up again. "Everything okay babes?"

I look up at her from my salad before looking back down again and forcing a smile onto my face.

"Yeah, just thinking about the next time I'm gonna see Abel," I lie, picking up a piece of chicken with my fork before popping it in my mouth.

Abel had to go up north of England to deal with a few things for his tour before he'd begin his third leg of the show and he's been gone for a week and a bit now. After promising we wouldn't break each others hearts', everything has been going uphill for us. To be honest, I'm a bit confused on where our 'relationship' stands, but I just know it's too early to be 'boyfriend and girlfriend' and I don't wanna get ahead of myself. I'm just enjoying everything as it is right now.

"Aw, it's okay, I'm feeling the same way with Lamar,"

"So give me an update, what's going on now with you two?" I change the subject before she starts asking me who's ringing my phone again because it starts buzzing against the table for the twentieth time today. I quickly snatch it up and throw it into my purse before looking back at Kay who has a smile on her face.

"Everything really is going well Lua like, no man has ever treated me the way Mar's treating me. Don't get me wrong girl, I'm trying not to fall for this man that hard, but he just makes it so difficult."

I smile as she continues to talk about Lamar and how they've been spending time over the past few weeks as well. My phone starts buzzing again and I reach into my purse, the intention of blocking Damon's number fresh on my mind, when I see a text from Tyrique come through.

Tyrique is a childhood friend me and Makayla would go to highschool with, from the age of 13

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Tyrique is a childhood friend me and Makayla would go to highschool with, from the age of 13. We were known as 'the trio' in school and I remember the times girls would try to hate on me and Kay for just being close friends with him. I won't lie and say he wasn't attractive back in school.

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