Chapter 13. Uninvited guest

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       "Finally I had you in my arms,
                 Just for him to enter,
            And you walking to him"

Ambrose~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Under the three days that we were here alone I showed her all the popular spots in Galicia

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Under the three days that we were here alone I showed her all the popular spots in Galicia.

Galicia has always been my favorite part of Spain, and now I get the chance to show Inez the things I love.

We took hourly long walks through the green valleys and mountains every day to discover as much as possible. Inez seemed to really enjoy learning about the Galicians traditions.

As Galicia is a less tourist attractioned part off Spain, there's not many English speaking folks here. Mostly I got to translate the conversations between Inez and the city folks.

But today our three days are up. It's now Monday and Cora's flying in today.

"I can't wait to explore more with you and Cora with us!" Inez said. I smiled back.

"You know we could have some more fun before she shows up." I said grabbing her hips. I could see her cheeks getting a new shade of red as I spoke the words. She then looked over to me with a serious look.

"You know I won't do it while I'm seeing the both off you" she answered.

"I know, and I really respect you for it, I just miss your touch" I said. She smiled back at me before giving me a hug.

"Why don't we go down to the shops to pick up some food"

"Sound like a great idea" I answered her before we made our way down the hill we were on.

I recommended this little restaurant down the streets that serves amazing Cocido gallego which is basically a Galician styled stew.

She loved the idea and we bought two containers before making our way back to the hotel.

"You know a lot about this place huh?" She asked as we stood in the elevator.

"Of course, you do a lot of exploring in 7000 years" I laughed back. She laughed with me as the elevator doors opened and we stepped foot in the room.

We stopped laughing once Cora jumped around the corner with her arms stretched out in the air.

"Surprise!!" She screamed hugging Inez and me.

"You know, it would have been a lot more suprising if we didn't know you were going to come" I chuckled and put down the stew.

"But you didn't know I was going to come with" a voice echoed from one of the couches. I sighed and turned my head to see our brother sitting in the couch with his legs crossed.

"Hello,brother" Arlo said while standing up.

"What are you doig here?"

"Our sister told me everything about this beautiful family vacation"

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