Chapter 1. Betrayal

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"Only those who stands us close has the power to break your heart"

Inez~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I watched you glide away slowly, slowly, slowly

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I watched you glide away slowly, slowly, slowly.. had it all but had to let it go

Staring at the single sentence on the paper I jingled the pen between my fingers. Three days and this is all I've come up with.
"Uggh!" I let out a frustrated sigh as I slammed the pen down and let my head rest in my palms. All I ever wanted to do was to perform my songs, ever since my dad bought my first guitar. If he could see me now he would probably be disappointed.

When I heard the keys in the lock I stood up from the floor I was sitting on in front of the coffee table. Through the door walked my boyfriend Jackson with a coffee in his hand.

"Tough day?" He asked as he looked around at all the crumbled up papers. I walked towards him and he open up his arm for me.

"You have no idea" I answered with my face burrowed in his chest. He stroked my hair gently before letting me go. He took a sip of his coffee and looked around our apartment.

It was a small one bedroom apartment in a not so pleasant neighborhood actually but it was all we could afford.

Jackson himself tried to chase his dream as a baker but neither of our dreams gave us a generous income. I took a side job as a waitress when we moved to New York a month ago and Jackson made little to no money as he only took small jobs from family he had in the city. He didn't want to take too much money from them though. Which I understood but the burden then fell on me mostly.

I saw his dissatisfied face as he scanned the little area. I walked up to him in a gentle hug looking him in the face.

"Soon my love, we will have what we want and more" I said smiling at him.

"Hm!" He let out a chuckle as he took a sip of his coffee.

" what?"

"Nothing, just a thought baby" he said and laid his arm on my back.

" I'm going to take a shower. Todays cooking was a lot" he said and started to walk down to the bathroom.

"Okay, you want some take out?" I shouted from the kitchen looking through our drawer of take out menus.

"Chinese!" He shouted back while I heard the shower running. I looked through my pockets for my phone remembering it was on our nightstand charging. I sighed and saw Jackson's phone on the kitchen counter. Not giving it a second thought I grabbed it and started to dial the restaurant when he got an incoming call.

A girls name popped up with an heart emoji beside it. Lexi, Lexi was Jackson's sister so I picked up the phone.

"Hi!" I answered. The voice on the other side took a second to answer.

"Hello? Who is this?" She said

"Oh I'm sorry. Jackson is in the shower I just used his phone, can I take a message for him Lexi?" I said with a gentle voice.

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