Chapter 38. War between heaven & hell pt.I

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  "True soldiers fights Not because he
          hates what's in front of  him,
           But because he loves what's
                           behind him"

  "True soldiers fights Not because he          hates what's in front of  him,           But because he loves what's                            behind him"

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We were now gathered around the portal, all dressed in armors and such. Our plan was simple. The gods and goddesses were suppose to storm Tartarus from its gates as the other portal I was going to take would lead me directly inside the castle to sneak Ambrose out.

"Are you all ready?" Zeus shouted as the crowd began to chant. They rushed through the portal and Deimos and Arlo came up to hug me.

"Good luck Inez" Arlo said.

"We'll see you in the other side" Deimos said as they too went over. I took a deep breath before entering the other portal with stern steps. As I felt the energy shift I was standing in the halls of hades castles again. I took the sword out I got from Athena and held it high against me.

Those three days we spent on Olympus planning the war I was also taught how to defend myself, and if I get to say so myself I got pretty good.

I sneaked around in the shadows down to the cellar to find Ambrose. When I got to the prison halls there was only one guard at the door. I was thinking of putting up a fight but that would risk exposing me to other guards. Instead I used some of the crushed leaf from an enchanted three in Demeters garden. We had made it into a powder that would knock an opponent out.

I rushed quietly over to him and just as he saw me I threw the powder in his face. He coughed for a second and rubbed his eyes as he looked up on me he fell on to the floor with a loud bounce. I dragged his body in to a closet to hide when I looked at his armor.

It would be better to blend in then have to fight every guard I see.. I took off his armor and put it on. He was a little heavier then me so the armor was a bit big but I managed. I tied up the guard before walking out of the closet.

I stepped a foot in to the prison halls were two guards were chatting at the end of it. I didn't draw attention to myself and started to look into the cells but there was no Ambrose anywhere to be found.

"Hey you!" The guard yelled. I looked up and freezes. I was exposed...

"Is it time for a shift change already?" He asked. I sighed out in relief and put on a voice.

"No, Hades wants the prisoner" I said with my hands behind my back.

"Well which one" they laughed.

"His son" I said back continuing to search the cells.

"Are you some kind of idiot? It was days ago they moved him to the rooms" the guard scoff.

"My bad.." I said and turned around to walk out.

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