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chapter twenty three: turn back time

Jason was in the waiting room for hours, pacing back and forth. He hadn't heard anything about Valencia's condition since he got there, and it was starting to kill him inside. 

It felt like he had been there for an eternity. The doctors were able to treat him for the minor cuts and bruises he got from the accident, but once that was done, he was by himself, waiting for her.

Every time a nurse or a doctor passed by, he would beg for an update. Sometimes they had no update to give, other times it would only be a vague response that didn't help his anxiety.

Jason ended up calling the guys to tell them the news. It was only out of worry about missing rehearsals, but they were just as upset as he was to hear the news.

He sat down, holding his head in his hands as he tried to contemplate how things could get this bad. The guilt was never going to go away, even if Valencia came out of this completely fine.

Jason still had her blue teddy bear in hand, holding it tightly. He was trying his best to use it as a source of comfort, as a reminder that everything would be fine.

He rested his head on the teddy bear, trying to keep his nerves at ease. He wasn't the type to pray too often, but praying didn't seem like a bad idea during a time like this.

Memories of Valencia flashed through his mind amid his despair. Her laughter, her smile, and the love he felt for her were all taunting him at this moment in time. Losing her would destroy him.

While Jason sat alone in the waiting room, he heard footsteps approaching and looked up to see the band coming to join him. He was shocked that they even came, this wasn't their problem.

Jason stood up, not letting the teddy bear go for a second. "W-What are you guys doing here? Why'd you guys come?" Jason asked, appreciative and surprised that they came.

"Kirk told us what happened," James said as they approached him. "Is she okay?" He asked, the three of them looking genuinely concerned for Valencia. 

Jason hesitated to answer his question because he didn't know the answer himself. He felt vulnerable and started to choke up. "I don't know, to be honest. It's all my fault."

The guys tried to reassure him that surely, this wasn't anything that was his fault, but his emotions were running so high, there was no getting through to him. He needed someone during a time like this.

The hours went by again, and there was still nothing. The guys were providing a good enough distraction for Jason, talking with him and trying to remain positive.

"Mr. Newsted?" A voice called out.

Jason practically shot up out of his chair when he heard his name get called, hoping that the doctor was there to bring him good news.

"Good news," The doctor started, causing Jason to let out a long sigh of relief. "She's awake and alert. She was knocked unconscious for some time, but it's nothing major." He explained.

Jason was so thankful that she was okay, even the guys had looks of relief on their faces to hear the news. "Thank you, doctor. I can go see her now?" 

The doctor nodded and led him to the room where she was. Jason held his breath as he followed the doctor through numerous twists and turns, anticipating how bad her condition might be.

But as he walked inside the room, he let out the breath he had been holding. She was glancing out of the window from her bed, most likely trying to distract herself from the horrors of a hospital room.

"Valencia," He whispered, gently touching her arm. She jumped slightly when she felt his touch, a sense of relief washing over when she realized it was him.

The smile on her face brought a sense of calm and gratefulness to Jason. Despite her situation, her spirit never wavered. "Hey, you." She responded tiredly.

"I'm really sorry this happened to you," Jason said, the guilt eating him up again. "It's all my fault, I didn't mean for this to happen." He explained.

Valencia furrowed her brows. "Hey, it's not your fault," She says, gently squeezing his hand. "That guy ran a red light, that wasn't your fault. He's an asshole." She laughed. 

Jason shook his head. "I know, but...I was the one who was driving, I should've been more aware." He sighs, continuing to blame himself. 

Valencia wasn't going to let him continue to put himself down. "Jason, listen to me," She said more firmly, wanting to get her point across. "I'm just glad you're here with me, okay?"

She wasn't going to let him say anything else, so Jason nodded and took her word for it. He knew she was a strong person, and they would get through this together.

He suddenly remembered he was still holding the teddy bear from the accident. "I held onto this for you," He said, putting it beside her in the bed. "I hope it makes you feel better."

Valencia smiled and took the teddy bear into her arms. She sighed happily as she held it close to her, acting as a source of comfort for her as it did for him. "Thanks, Jason." She whispered.

He pulled up a chair and took a seat next to her, vowing never to leave her side. He watched as she held the teddy bear close to her, just like the night before.

"I'm not going to leave you, Val." Jason said, determined in his promise to her. He held her hand, kissing the back of it.

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