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chapter twenty four: stay with me

Days went by, and Jason hadn't faltered in leaving Valencia's side once. She insisted that Jason go home and take a day to himself, but he would refuse, too worried about her to leave.

"Don't worry about me, Jason," She said, the smile never leaving her face. "I'm going to get better, you know. I'm not going to be stuck in here forever." 

Jason took her word for it, but he still felt worried about her condition. "I believe you. I know you're strong enough." He replied, trying to reassure himself that she would be okay.

James, Kirk, and Lars came by a couple of times to check on Valencia, making a whole spectacle out of it. They came with flowers and balloons in hand, wanting to lift her spirits. She was always happy to see them.

Valencia's other friends came to visit her as well, meeting Jason for the first time. They were just as lively as she was, and Jason could see how her personality had managed to attract them to her.

However, her spirit didn't need much lifting. She was remaining positive on her own as if she wasn't hooked up to a bunch of wires and tubes in a boring and grim hospital room.

When doctors came to check up on her, she'd be all smiles, never complaining, and cracking jokes here and there. She was trying to make the best out of the situation, this wasn't easy.

She had been giving more reassurance to Jason than he was giving reassurance to her. He had some peace of mind knowing that she was at least remaining positive. 

Valencia sustained an injury to her leg that required her to take physical therapy. Thankfully, her injury wasn't too serious, but it had extended her hospital stay by a few more days.

It was the only injury she had suffered as a result of the accident, which Jason still felt guilty about. Valencia didn't want him to continue to blame himself, she constantly reminded him that it could've been worse.

Her physical therapy was not easy, and it was in those moments when Jason noticed she got a bit discouraged. It only made him feel more guilty about how all of this could've been avoided.

If he never got the idea to take her to the carnival, he wouldn't have had to drive her back home. If he didn't drive her back home, they would've never crashed into the other driver that night. 

Every time she let out a defeated sigh or a whimper from pain, his heart shattered. He wished he could take her pain away and put himself in the hospital bed instead of her. She didn't deserve any of this.

Still, Valencia told him that nothing, none of this was his fault. She wouldn't let him or his thoughts continue to bring him down, she wasn't the only one hurting too. 

He never left her side, ever. There were times when Valencia insisted that Jason got away from the hospital for a bit, whether it was to go home or do something with the band, but he refused.

"Jason, I know you're getting sick of the hospital food because I'm getting sick of the hospital food. Go home and take care of yourself." Valencia insisted. 

She was met with the same response every time. "What if something happens to you? What if you need help and I'm not here?" He would say back, refusing to move from his spot beside her.

She looked at him and rolled her eyes. "At least go home and get some sleep? Just for one night?" She asked, rubbing the back of his hand. She had genuine concern in her eyes for him.

Jason would give in only because she kept insisting, but he was right back at her side the next morning. He held her hand gently, waiting for her to wake up so he could spend the day with her.

On the days when she would be too exhausted to do anything, he would be trying his best to keep her company. The days could get a bit boring when all you did was lay in bed and watch TV.

Sometimes he came in with his guitar after rehearsal, playing a couple of tunes for her to keep her smiling. She always enjoyed listening to Jason play, it was another source of comfort for her.

Other times, they would make plans about what they would do after she got out of the hospital. She spoke of walks in the park and spending days in, wanting to be with him. 

As night would fall, their conversation would dwindle into silence. It would just be the two of them in the room, hands intertwined with the subtle hum of the machinery or the TV.

Jason would whisper reassurances and give her gentle kisses as she began to fall asleep. It never failed to make her love grow stronger for him, smiling sleepily as she listened to every word he said.

His words were like a lullaby, and even when she managed to fall asleep, he would continue to give her soft caresses and whispered promises to her that he would always be there, no matter what.

He knew he probably sounded like a broken record, but he couldn't stress it enough. He wasn't going to be one of those guys who left their partner when they needed them the most. 

And although he and Valencia weren't officially dating yet, there was no doubt in both of their minds that this would only bring them closer. 

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