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chapter twenty five: through thick and thin

As Valencia awoke one morning, she groaned when she saw the tray of breakfast that was set in front of her. She was getting tired of eating the hospital food, but she would have to stomach it.

Jason was sitting beside her like usual, trying to talk with her and keep her entertained for the day she had ahead of her. However, everything was going fine until the nurse came in.

The nurse came to do the usual checkup on Valencia, ensuring that she was doing fine and resting. But before the nurse left, she mentioned the one thing Valencia didn't want to hear.

"You also have a 1:00 pm physical therapy appointment later on today. Until then just rest up." The nurse reminded her with a friendly smile.

Jason could see the disappointment on Valencia's face when she heard that today would be a physical therapy day. She sighed deeply, picking at the breakfast she had barely eaten. 

Things weren't going so well for her. Valencia didn't look too happy over the last couple of days. Her smile slowly disappeared and exhaustion covered every feature of her face and body.

The days were repeating, and he could tell she was getting tired of it. She woke up and did nothing but lay in bed if she wasn't doing physical therapy. There was nothing else for her to do.

Still, she tried to keep a brave face for Jason, but he could tell the news already ruined her day. He didn't like seeing her like this, he wanted to fast forward to a time when all of this was over.

"Are you okay, Val?" Jason asked gently, his hand resting on top of hers. He softly caressed the skin on the back of her hand, trying to soothe her sour mood. 

She nodded her head, faking a smile to reassure him. "I'm okay Jason, just tired." He knew it was more than that, but he would let her be. She didn't have to open up if she didn't want to.

He didn't bother her anymore after that, counting down the minutes until the nurse would come with a wheelchair to bring Valencia to her physical therapy session.

The closer they got to the therapy center, the more Valencia was dreading this. Jason tried his best to remind her that she wasn't alone and he was there as support, but it wasn't any use. 

This session had been more difficult than she anticipated. Jason was always helping her with each session, but this one was particularly overwhelming than the others.

As she tried her best to stand up and put weight on her injured leg with the nurse's guidance, she winced and trembled from the pain. Jason was offering words of encouragement, but it was too much.

She had to sit back down, taking a minute to recover from using too much of her energy. She would manage to take a few steps, but not without being in pain, and it made her frustrated.

"I can't do this anymore." She sighed in defeat, her tone a mixture of sadness and anger. It always felt like whenever she made any progress, she would only fail and go backward. 

"Just give it one more try, my love." Jason said, trying to remain gentle with her. He held his hand out for her to hold onto, but she didn't bother, staring straight ahead.

"I can't. I don't want to do it again. I just want to go back to bed." She shook her head. They had been at it for more than an hour already, and she was starting to feel discouraged. 

"Come on, Val. One more time and then we'll—"

"I said I can't do it anymore, Jason!" She interrupted him. "Just leave me alone!" She yelled, suddenly lashing out at him. 

He recoiled a bit, caught off guard by her outburst. He wanted to apologize, thinking that maybe he pushed her too much, but he remained quiet, giving her some time to herself.

Valencia sat there, immediately regretting the way she snapped at him. She was afraid to even look at him, stunned that she yelled at him when he was only trying to help.

Tears began to slip from her eyes, her frustrations getting the best of her. "Hey, Val, don't cry," Jason knelt to her height, wiping the tears that fell down her cheeks.

She shakes her head, feeling upset by her outburst, the session, and everything else. "I'm sorry Jason, I didn't mean to get mad at you. I'm so sorry." 

"It's okay, Val. It's not easy." He reassured her, letting her take the time to get her emotions out. Things had been difficult for her lately, and he understood that.

"No, Jason, don't say that. You were only trying to help..." Her voice cracked with guilt. He was nothing but good to her the last couple of weeks, she thought he didn't deserve that. 

"It's okay," He told her once again, wiping her tears away. "I understand you're frustrated, don't worry about me." He kissed her forehead gently, trying to make her feel better.

The physical therapy session was cut short after her outburst, and she had become withdrawn emotionally after she snapped at Jason. But even then, he still didn't leave.

She was grateful that he cared enough to stay with her. She would've been even more guilty had he gotten upset by her words, even if he knew she didn't mean it.

But he wasn't going anywhere. No matter what, he was still there, holding her hand and staying. For her.

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