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chapter thirty three: the black album

The Black Album would eventually get its moment of release. The release was more anticipated than everyone originally thought, which meant it was going to be a busy weekend for Valencia.

She was preparing for the record shop to receive a massive package of nothing but Metallica's albums for the release. While it mainly contained their new album, new copies of their past material came in as well.

The band decided to throw an album release party to celebrate at the record shop. She let them come in for free, just like when they performed a few months ago.

Not only was she preoccupied with getting the albums stocked and organized for the day of, but she was also busy with creating merchandise. That meant long hours were ahead of her.

Valencia was making some custom t-shirts for them again, free of charge. James insisted that she get compensated for her work, but she wouldn't accept it. They would still find a way.

Every night when she came home after preparing for the big day, she would always come back to Jason ready to greet her with open arms. Even if he wasn't physically there, he was always a phone call away.

When it came time, Valencia showed up to open the store, she saw tons of fans lined up outside the door, ready to come in and grab a copy of Metallica's new album and possibly catch a glimpse of the band.

She was at the register for most of her time, selling the t-shirts she made and copies of the album to every eager fan who was coming in and making the long line.

Since the band was there that day, fans were allowed to take pictures and ask for autographs from the band if they wanted it. Of course, that made an even longer line as word got around.

Jason watched her from afar, his eyes glancing at Valencia throughout the day as she was still busy ringing up albums and merchandise from eager fans without giving herself a break once.

When things managed to calm down, he wondered to himself how lucky he was to have someone like her. She went from being a part of his "imagination," to a real and loving human being. 

Hell, she had done all of this for him, for them. It's not like they went up to her and asked, she had simply done it out of the goodness of her heart. Not many people were like that.

Yes, she had the help of other employees in the record shop, but most of the planning and creation of the merchandise was her. She worked hard and she wasn't expecting anything in return. 

"Seriously, how'd you get a woman like that?" Kirk asked Jason, seemingly reading his thoughts at the moment. The band was still trying to think of a way to make it up to her, she was too good.

Jason watched as she sold the last of the albums to the few people left in the record shop, his eyes on her. "I don't know, but I'm pretty lucky." He replied, a proud smile on his face.

When the record shop closed, the band was still there, recovering from the long day they had just endured. Valencia still had some albums left over, planning to get them ready for the next day.

"Hey pretty girl," Jason said as he walked over to her, noticing her taking down the decorations she had put up for the big release. "Long day, huh?" 

Valencia nodded. "Day isn't over yet. I still have to clean up the store and stock up the rest of these albums." She told him, pointing to the box that was on the table. 

"Don't worry about it," Jason said, grabbing the box. "Me and the guys will clean up the store for you." He told her, acting as if it was no big deal.

Her eyes widened at his offer. Were they crazy? They were the guests, she couldn't treat them like this even if she wanted to. "Jason, you don't have to—"

Jason turned back to her. "I said don't worry, Val," He walked over to the guys, knowing they wouldn't mind helping either. "You guys don't mind helping to stock and clean up for a bit, right?"

The band all nodded their heads, splitting the few albums that were left from the box Jason took and searching for the broom. 

James walked over, holding some albums under his arm as he placed a reassuring hand on Valencia's shoulder. "Don't worry about it, it's the least we could do." He told her.

"Yeah," Lars said as he walked by. "We were going to find a way to pay you back somehow. We got this." Lars said before he started to sweep up the place.

Valencia almost protested again, but she knew she wasn't going to win. For now, she would just count the money from the day and put it aside before finally taking her break.

Once Valencia finished counting the money at the register, she laid her head down for a second while the rest of the band worked to try and clean up the place.

She only rested her head down to rest her eyes for a minute, but she ended up falling asleep, exhaustion catching up to her. When Jason went to check up on her, she was snoring.

He chuckled to himself. She deserved the rest of the night to rest, so when it was time to go home, he came around the register and scooped her up into his arms. 

"Thanks, Jason," Valencia muttered sleepily as she wrapped her arms around his neck, nestling her face in his chest. 

Jason pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead as he left the record shop with her in his arms, carrying her back to her apartment. 

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