Liliana is a trainee at JYPE
She thinks she's in an ordinary music training company until she encounters F4, the four most popular boys at JYPE.
Would she be able to survive the 1 year training programme or would she run back to her country?
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It takes me about three hours to unpack my clothes and other items into respective places in my room.
Around 5:30 pm I quietly come out of my room. I hear noises from the living room I'm guessing is the TV.
I peep into the room and see Eliška with a girl with short blue hair. The girl is listening to Blondie as she excitedly tells her something.
"Who are you?" I jump as I hear a voice behind me.
A girl peeps beside me to look into the room. "What are you looking at ?"
"Oh Luana , you're finally out of your room" Eliška shouts.
"Hey everyone " the girl I'm assuming is Luana walks past me into the living room.
She's wearing a green crop top, white button up sweater with baggy ripped jeans. I notice she has a thicc lower half. Her very long wavy hair is in a ponytail. She's a bit sun kissed but really pretty with wide eyes, full lips and thick eyebrows.
"Who is she?" Luana settles into the second TV couch at the other side of the room.
"Oh" Eliška spots me shyly standing at the door "Liliana! Come here. Why are you there?"
I walk in reluctantly. "Hi everyone."
"Sit here" Blondie points at the space beside Luana. I awkwardly walk across the room and sit down.
"How are you feeling? You unpack well?" She looks genuinely concerned
"I'm okay"
"What about you Lulu "
Luana who is with the remote going through channels slams the remote on the couch. "How many times have I told you to not call me Lulu "
I hear a bit of an accent. I'm not so sure from where.
"But it's cute"
"Okay " Blondie remains smiling "but did you unpack well? Any troubles with your room?"
"No. Thanks for asking " Luana does a total 180 and smiles sweetly at her.
"Hi, I'm Mariah " it's the girl sitting beside Blondie. She has short blue hair, alot of piercings, I see she has grey contacts on. She's wearing a very short skirt with a spaghetti strap crop top. I hear a very familiar accent.
She must be feeling cold wearing that in the air-conditioned room.
"Hello" I try to smile but I'm sure it looks forced
"You seem nervous" I immediately recognise an Australian accent. That's what stanning a group with two Australians does to you.