An Abnormal day

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A/N: CLASSES ARE STILL UNDECIDED! IF YOU WANT TO CHOOSE WHO IS IN DENKI'S CLASS, THEN COMMENT YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS! I'll be putting them on a wheel, and every comment for a character will be another slot on the wheel for said character!
ex: if there are five "Tokoyami" comments, then Tokoyami will be on the wheel six times.

Prologue: Kaminari Denki's abnormal death.

Denki remembered the first time he died. Most people didn't, he knew that- testimonies from those who had died and been resuscitated showed that most could hardly remember what happened. He looked up many cases over the years after he died, looking for those with a similar response to him. He never found any. Denki's death was... abnormal, to say the least. In more ways than the usual, he means- all death is abnormal- an interruption in the status quo of life. Death is sudden, unexpected, an unwelcome guest at the banquet, a poisoned powder in red wine, an unknown visitor. Death rarely announced itself. Denki's death was abnormal in that he was a young, perfectly healthy, four year old, happy child. He had friends and relatives, he was doing well in school- as well as a four year old could do, measuring the intellect of a child is difficult. He had plenty of friends, a "social butterfly," as his mother had said. He remembered his father promising to read the second chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone to him that night. He never finished that book.

Denki's death was abnormal in how he was at school when it happened, surrounded by people. He didn't remember who- their faces were fuzzy and gray, as if they had been automatons, statues, robots, animatronics- anything except human. Their names blurred together, their voices some inhuman volume and pitch. The place, though, the place- he remembered that perfectly. It happened during recess, while sitting on the swing-set. The warm, almost burning black rubber seat comfortably warmed the young Denki. The burning, blinding metal chain links that he was hesitantly holding onto. The sound of the mulch moving as his feet swung against the ground- the swing was far too low for anyone except a child to use it. He remembered the creak of the un-oiled swing set, the taste of fun in the air, the smell of mulch and happiness, the feeling of a hot, nearly summer day, the sight of all his friends playing- he remembered it all.

    Denki's death was abnormal in that no outside force assaulted him. No disgruntled delinquent, insane criminal, sociopathic murderer attacked him. No virus infected him, no unfortunately ingested bacteria overran his immune system- if not for one thing, the doctors would've said he died of natural causes. If not for that one thing, he wouldn't have died. If not for that one thing, he wouldn't have lived.

    Denki's death was abnormal in that it was entirely his fault. His parents always argued with this, babying and comforting him with false words, honeyed lies- times like these makes him wish he was as dumb as his friends said he was. Even if they were only jokes, Denki sometimes wished for them to be real. The doctors said that it wasn't his fault, that he was the reason he was alive. Denki remembered the police officers who he had met with saying that it wasn't his fault, that he shouldn't be sorry. Denki remembered how they blamed him, and they were the only ones who had mattered. Even if he hadn't understood then, he did when he had gotten older. There was no way to get rid of those memories, those memories literally shocked into his brain.

    Denki remembered the half second of excitement when it happened. He looked down at his hand in awe as yellow bolts of electric lighting danced between his fingertips. He remembered thinking that I'm going to be a hero! for a moment, a thousand different lives flashed through his mind- Chargemight, the number one hero! All electricity, the new number one! Electric man, number one hero! Before something else reached his brain.

Chapter one: an abnormal day. One decade later.

Denki Kaminari was about to have an abnormal day. He knew this as he jumped out of bed quickly, an hour before his 8 am alarm. He knew this as he practically ran to the shower, taking extra care to wash himself. He knew this as he styled his hair, making his black, lightning shaped scar stand out as a mark of individuality. He brushed his teeth twice, for thrice the normal duration, washed his mouth and dabbed a cotton ball on his partially bleeding gums- he had scrubbed a little too hard. Denki shut off the faucet, replaced his toothbrush, and walked out of his bathroom into his bedroom. It was a mess, as any fifteen-year-old's room would be, posters of his favorite heroes haphazardly covered the walls, with no real rhyme or reason to their placement. Endeavor, All Might, Hawks, Stun Gun, and Lightning Quick, just to name a few, gazed down at- what Denki hoped to be- the newest hero in the making.

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