Chapter 12: Mock Battles, False Narratives

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Chapter 12: Mock Battles, False Narratives

Shouka woke in a perfectly normal room, with nothing odd about it. In fact, the white walls, white curtains around her bed, white sheets, and white nightstands were so normal that it became odd. It wasn't a hospital room- there were no windows nor were there any monitoring machines. Several other similarly decorated beds were to her left and right. She looked around groggily, curious as to why and where she was. Did her family finally ship her off to the psychiatric ward? A cruel irony; the only normal one in a family of insanity locked away.

Her family...

Cruel yellow eyes, shining with mocking laughter as they stared down at her. Even with her new strength, the red liquid that flowed through her veins but was not blood, she was nothing to him. He greedily absorbed her power, knocking her to the floor with ease.

"A thousand volts?" Golden locks, spiked like a mace, obscured her vision, "That's it? That's the best you can do to me?"

He laughed, laughed and laughed and laughed. Shouka's heart lurched- why? Why had he done this? One final attempt at salvation- could she sacrifice even more of herself?

"I'll save you." The fallen hero smiled at just one of the many villains in her family, "I'll fix you- he'll do it." The angelic man, pure and clean as the heavens themselves, had extended a hand to her. Unclean, broken, and alone, Shouka did not deserve to be in the presence of someone so holy. His face was covered by a crow's beak, the only thing keeping away the filth. If Shouka couldn't help Denki, then he would.


"He- he'll Overhaul you." Shouka coughed out. Above her, Denki's eyes sparked with fear, then with rage, then with cruel joy.

"Kill you first. I'll kill you." He spat between bloodied lips- where had it come from? Wasn't she the one bleeding? Why, why had he done this? What had she done to deserve such hate?

Nothing. She had done nothing wrong. It was all him- all Denki's fault. All because he was luckier at birth.

All men are created equal.

But none are born equal.

Overhaul- the god-made human- would cleanse them all.

Just as all hope seemed lost, her family became prisoners. Shouka could hardly see at this point, her vision fuzzy with red, red, so much red- but she recognized him. The man who had come to rescue her-

The man who judged her worthy of meeting Overhaul.

Chronostasis strode through the room, white coat stark and clean, inhumanly so. He was a flame in the darkness of the bloodstained household. He came to rescue her- even after she had failed at something as simple as staying hidden.

Shouka jerked upright as the memory concluded. Everything was fuzzy after that- she remembered a car ride, a smiling man with too large of a mouth, a glimpse of Overhaul himself- and then darkness. She was still with them, right? How long had she been asleep?

"How are you feeling, Kitanowari?" That voice- soft, smooth, low and calm, belying the sheer power behind it. Shouka shifted in her bed, gaze meeting golden eyes that hovered in the doorway.

Kitanowari... that's right. Shouka had forsaken her family name. She was not a Kaminari anymore. Overhaul offered a chance at redemption. She would seize it, and never let it go. Shouka Kitanowari: Living flowers, and the destruction of the filth. Where Overhaul purged, she would follow behind to plant the seeds of new life. In the ashes of the old world, she shall bring beauty. She didn't know how- but she would do it anyway.

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