Chapter 6: things that go bump in the night

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Act 2: Gathering Evil: "Too much light will blind you, leaving you in a darkness no one can escape"

Chapter 6: things that go bump in the night

The weeks following Denki's hang out with Midoriya and Kendo passed blessedly

quickly, with the three of them meeting up several times during their admittedly short three week break. School started April 1st, and the day of their hangout was March 10th. Even UA, with all its... dubious and unorthodox methods of teaching, is legally obligated to make its students spend at least 180 days in school. And because of the fact that it's a hero school, and just the entrance exam had SKYSCRAPER ROBOTS, it was expected that the kids would miss quite a lot of school due to injury or illness- both mental and physical. That meant the school had a short summer break in exchange for a generous amount of leniency in their attendee's struggles, no matter if they were in class or out.

Being the 15 (almost sixteen now!) year old, teenage, frustratingly clever whe he wanted to be, boy he was, Denki put those scant few weeks to excellent use.

By excellent use, he means: messing up his sleep schedule so much it ended up looping back around to be a healthy one, doing literally nothing productive whatsoever other than play around with the generator in the basement for a while, and hanging out with Midoriya and Kendo three or four times.

He'd actually hung out solo with Kendo a little, but only at the cat cafe from their first meet up. Her text-sona to real-life persona was still quite jarring. She hadn't flirted with him in person, at all. Over text, though? Denki had always thought the phrase "Girls are confusing" was only an excuse for losers who had never had a girlfriend in their lives to be sexist, but now he understood. He was confused. EXTREMELY confused. She's openly flirted with him through text messages, and had even complimented him directly on a few occasions. Not just things like "Oh your shirt is nice!" But things like "Your hair looks like gold and is worth the same". HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO RESPOND TO THAT???

His response had been... not great.

"Thanks, you too."

Red hair is about as far from gold as Denki is from a girlfriend after that text.

Either way, the half-assed, stressed reply hadn't seemed to bother her too much, and their conversation had continued as normal after that. Denki had tried to flirt with her in person a few times, but that went nowhere. She either laughed it off as a joke or she looked away and changed the subject. He'd like to flirt with her over text- but it was just so hard to not be dry when flirting that way! Seriously, he can't read her body language, he can't look at her facial expressions, there's nothing interesting going on to comment on and build a strong flirty phrase off of! All he had was things like "You're funny" or "You're pretty" but that's coming on too strong. He just- he just couldn't flirt over text! It was impossible.

So, their one on one communication had either been Denki being comfortable in person and flirting, or Kendo being comfortable online and flirting. Even still, they had gotten closer. Denki only wished it was less like how he was getting closer with Midoriya- as friends- and more of that feeling of falling in love or something of the sort.

Denki had never been in love. He'd had crushes, but he never seemed to 'click' with anyone before. He knew he liked Kendo a lot, and he means a lot, and the feeling he got around her was unique and special, and made him feel happy inside. But... once Kendo went home, or Denki shut off his phone, that odd emotion dissipated. It became something less- he didn't even know! It was just off. Different. He didn't know what changed when he was with her and away from her, but something definitely did. Maybe it was just a symptom of Love or something? No, that would mean that Denki was in love. He didn't feel any of the positive effects of it, or at least what the internet said the positive effects were, and the internet obviously never lies.

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