Chapter 13: Conduit's Debut

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Chapter 13: Conduit's Debut

The plan was simple, straightforward, and had a pretty decent chance at success. Both Uraraka and Shiozaki's quirks were taken into account, Denki and Yanagi had good communication, and several different possibilities had been thought out. It was perfect, ingenious, quite possibly even splendiferous! Except for one thing...

"Why are the windows so tiny!?" Denki shouted in frustration, staring between the massive bomb on the fourth floor and the mocking panes of glass surrounding him. The large, open room that laid at the very top of the building contained nothing but support pillars and dust. Well, and a missile.

"...What now...?" Yanagi murmured at his side, deceptively calm.

"Uh..." Denki was panicking. How had he not noticed the size of the windows while watching everyone else's match!?

The original idea was to leave the bomb on the fourth floor, in the care of Yanagi, while Denki went to go fight the heroes. Once Denki was close to being incapacitated, he'd blackout the entire building, and then Yanagi would telekinetically shove the bomb out a window and leave it on the roof. Then, perfectly befitting her quirk's name, she'd manipulate small objects all throughout the third and second floors. In the dark, Shiozaki and Uraraka would assume it was Yanagi and waste all their time. Eventually, the heroes would realize the deception and search the fourth floor- but, if the damn windows were LARGE ENOUGH- wouldn't find the bomb and go back downstairs to search.

"FIVE MINUTES HAVE ELAPSED! HEROES, YOU MAY ENTER THE BUILDING!" All Might's voice echoed from the speakers, sounding their demise.

"Uhhhhhh..." Denki said again, this time with much more stress. Mentally slapping himself, he forced his brain to focus on what he could do now versus what he should've done before.

He tapped his left pinkie and pointer finger to his thumb, activating the generator on his back. It was completely silent, and Denki felt a moment of panic over whether or not it actually worked. Thankfully, an electric current began to flow into his body, relaxing his muscles and heightening his perception. He drained one of his battery packs to get some extra stimulus, sending all of the power to his brain. In moments, the beginnings of a plan began to form.

"Follow me!" He commanded, no longer stressed or nervous. Right now, those emotions weren't useful to him. He took that energy, the mental charge, and focused it, channeled it into something better- determination to replace stress, hyperfocus to replace anxiety, confidence to replace nervousness. He was the Conduit, harnessing the power that already existed and amplifying it into something far better.

"Hm." Yanagi nodded in solidarity, trailing behind him as he ran out of the room.

"Shiozaki-San won't go for anything underhanded," Conduit explained as he began to extend the copper wires from his gauntlets, cutting them off once they reached the length he desired. "She's too much of a personality for Uraraka-San to argue with. So, they'll be coming up the main stairwells- definitely no attacks from outside the building." He finished, taking the steps to the third floor two at a time

"Okay," Conduit's eyes darted from left to right- where would the utility room be in here? Would there be an exposed breaker box or would he have to mess around with an outlet?

No time for a breaker box. Conduit decided, Gotta drain the electricity myself. Hopefully my equipment works as intended- I'd rather not spend another day in bed.

"Take this!" Conduit tossed the long strands of copper wire he had pulled out to Yanagi. Each one was roughly ten feet long. "Telekinetically put them near the stairs, but not right by them- they'll expect a trap immediately, but won't look for one a bit further away. Hold them around ankle level. I'm going to short out the lights- tap me with something once everything is in place!"

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