Chapter 10: A Cultist, An Amnesiac, Two Victims, and A Pervert Walk Into A Bar

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Denki stepped out of the elevator door with a smile on his face and excitement bubbling in his soul. He'd just changed into joggers, a t-shirt, and a hoodie, splashed his face with cold water, and taken five minutes to calm down, but now he was okay. Well... as okay as he was going to get. It was enough, though. What would he rather do? Wallow in his room out of self-pity? Or was he going to go out, trusting the hope in his heart that everything would be okay?

The answer was clear to him. It was time to hang out with his new friends.

"Eyyy, what's up guys!?" Denki called out cheerfully, the prospect of socializing recharging his battery enough to be somewhat energetic. He was absolutely an extrovert.

"Kaminari-Kun!" Kirishima waved from the couch in front of the gaming area, head leaned back to look at Denki upside down. Midoriya was sitting there too, and so was... Shiozaki. The vine haired girl was sitting in the most uncomfortable chair in that area (the one with only two cushions), completely straight backed. Well, time to get this over with. Whatever "this" was.

"Oh! Hey, Kaminari-San!" Midoriya bounced, spinning around to face him faster than lightning. The green haired boy seemed to react to speech instantly; it was pretty amusing the speed at which he looked between two people talking. His neck muscles must be incredible.

"Heya, Midoriya-Kun!" Denki smiled, walking over to them, "What did I tell ya about the '-San'?" He asked, plopping himself down in a green recliner between his two friends, across from Shiozaki. Despite being in the entertainment section, there was no gaming going on- just talking. That was a good sign, Denki would like it if he could get along with his new friends without a third party stimulus.

"O-oh, haha, oops. Sorry, Kaminari-Sa— Imeankun- I mean, sorry, Kaminari-kun!" He laughed nervously, eyes darting between Denki's and the wall.

"Ah, no problem, dude!" Denki gave him finger guns, which made Midoriya go red. He was pretty sure it was because of the other boy's apparent lack of positive social interaction, and not because of Denki's incredible, beautiful, supercagifredulous, and dazzling golden eyes.

At the brief pause after that, Shiozaki took her chance to speak. Unfolding from her perfectly symmetrical position, she moved her hands to her lap. Denki had to admit, she was quite pretty, a forgotten marble statue in the ruins of a once great empire, beams of light illuminating the ivy it was wreathed in, alone and pristine amongst the decrepit. She was poised, deceivingly delicate, perfectly polite- almost unnerving in her nigh-inhuman mannerisms. Still, pretty much every girl was pretty in some way or another. She was no match for Tokage in the slightest.

Why am I making that comparison?

"Greetings, Kaminari-San," Shiozaki inclined her head respectfully, her expression hardly changing, "I must requesteth conversation. Privately, if thy will."

"Uhhh..." Denki side eyed Kirishima and Midoriya. The former grinned and responded with the same shrug Denki had given him earlier. The latter simply looked away and started whistling. Well, not really whistling. More like blowing air out of his mouth and screaming very very softly. He was not very good at appearing relaxed. "...Sure?" The electric blond finally settled on.

"That is most gracious of thy." Shiozaki dipped her head once more, before pulling herself to her feet. Though the dorms were an informal setting, she wore an extremely elegant outfit. A long, pearly white dress flowed from her shoulders to her ankles like water over rocks. It was modest, though it emphasized her figure with the pastel, faded green corset tied tightly around her waist. A silver cross hung on a piece of twine around her neck, the fibers frayed. It looked uncomfortable, odd and out of place with the rest of her immaculate outfit. She wore white slippers, leaving her face, neck, and hands as the only skin on her body that was exposed. "Please, if thee would be so kind as to follow me."

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