Table of Contents

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Table of Contents

Includes: Arc information, Chapter name, Chapter info, and a Character Database (Work in progress)


The Surgeon toils painfully in lab of dark, a noble quest to eliminate humanity's birthmark. He stains himself with innocent's blood, endeavors alone to rend the mud.

Entropy does not sleep,The time has come to mourn and weep. Malevolent eyes scour and tear, malignant cracks spread everywhere.

The Betrayed has been cast aside, her family blinded to her sorrow. Despite it all she stands with pride, but what shall come by the morrow?

The Successor breathes life into strained society, a new symbol of peace begins his quest. His story began without propriety. A villain's origin to a Hero's best.

And lastly, it is you.

Denki Kaminari.

The Spark ignites the fires of past long hidden, he is the tie that binds them to each other.

 Entropy whines, Surgeon ignores, Betrayed seethes and Successor wishes them to change a future that has already been written.

 Will you look past your ego and realize the reality you find yourself in?

ARC 1: Entrance exam: 1-5




ARC 3: USJ: 15-???

updates every week, usually on Wednesday

Chapter Log: 


Chapter 1: An Abnormal Day: 6140 words.

Kaminari Denki was four years old when he developed his quirk. he was also four years old the first time he died.

Over a decade later, Denki applied to UA Hero school. Something's off, though. Denki ҉𐌔҉҉𐋅҉҉Ꝋ҉҉𐌵҉҉𐌋҉҉𐌃҉҉𐌍҉'҉𐌕҉ ҉𐋅҉҉𐌀҉҉ᕓ҉҉𐌄҉ ҉𐌕҉҉𐋅҉҉𐌉҉҉𐌔҉ ҉𐌒҉҉𐌵҉҉𐌉҉҉𐌓҉҉𐌊҉ exploits a loophole in the rules with his quirk. Shota Aizawa finds himself a new problem child.

Tone: Dark, though quickly becomes light-hearted.

Chapter 2: UA's Real Test: 9997 words.

Feeling confident about the written exam, Denki finds himself at his greatest challenge yet: the practical. Denki makes several new friends, one of them possibly having the hint of something more (no poly).

Tone: dramatic and intense, with several vivid action scenes. high stakes.

Chapter 3: The Aftermath of UA's Practical: 6987 words.

Denki and Kendo chat while on the train home from UA. Shouka confronts Denki outside the train station, and the two of them realize something about the other. Denki finds himself celebrated before the results even arrive. Shouka begins to change irrevocably.

Tone: relaxed, generally positive. The chapter focuses more on relationships, both burgeoning and shrinking. Several serious scenes.

Chapter 4: I AM HERE! TO TELL YOU SOMETHING: 8986 words.

Denki recuperates from the exam and begins to text with Midoriya and Kendo. Denki's siblings, Shouka, Hikoka, and Tsuki, all come to a final verdict. Denki receives his UA letter, and ҉𐌕҉҉𐋅҉҉𐌄҉ ҉ᕓ҉҉Ꝋ҉҉𐌋҉҉𐌉҉҉𐌕҉҉𐌉҉҉Ꝋ҉҉𐌍҉҉𐌀҉҉𐌋҉ ҉𐌃҉҉𐌄҉҉𐌔҉҉Ꝋ҉҉𐌋҉҉𐌀҉҉𐌕҉҉𐌉҉҉Ꝋ҉҉𐌍҉ ҉Ꝋ҉҉𐌅҉ ҉Ꝋ҉҉𐌍҉҉𐌄҉҉𐌔҉҉𐌄҉҉𐌋҉҉𐌅҉... what was he talking about again...? Denki learns what it means to be a true hero, and is invited into something larger than he first thought. Shouka's beliefs are reinforced, and she begins her search.

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