I AM HERE! to tell you something.

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A/N: CLASSES ARE STILL UNDECIDED! IF YOU WANT TO CHOOSE WHO IS IN DENKI'S CLASS, THEN COMMENT YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS! I'll be putting them on a wheel, and every comment for a character will be another slot on the wheel for said character!
ex: if there are five "Tokoyami" comments, then Tokoyami will be on the wheel six times.

chapter 4: "I AM HERE! to tell you something"

The week after the exam passed quickly, and Denki was fully correct in assuming his body would be killing him.

Day one he hardly even remembered, waking up at noon with a dry throat, a nosebleed, scarcely able to move his aching joints, and a headache that was practically killing him. He remembered fumbling with his phone, calling his mother and then the rest of the day passed in a blur. His mother had come in, given him some medication, then he fell into a restless sleep, waking only to eat and put on a movie in his bedroom before once again joining the realm of dreams.

Day two was slightly better, he actually took his medicine on time so he woke up without too much head pain, at around 10 in the morning. His body didn't feel much better, but he knew he had to move otherwise the soreness would take significantly longer to go away- that would not be good for his... date? Hangout? Hang date? No that sounded like an emo suicide date. Dateout? Yeah, that works better.

Denki pulled himself up, stretching his arms despite his muscles screaming in annoyance. He swung his legs over the side of his bed and promptly fell to the ground in a tangle of his sheet and comforter. Well, at least he has some motivation to limber up- he'd have to make his bed now. Extracting himself from the mess of blankets, Denki balled them up and threw them onto his mattress, wincing as his stretch agitated the bruises on his stomach the rubber bullets had left. Seriously, for an acceptance exam, UA really didn't pull any punches. Then again, the surprisingly painful injury was probably because he had taken those bullets at point blank range.

Denki's position on the floor at least allowed him to exercise his lower body. Luckily, any residual pain from injuring his legs was gone by now- or hidden under the agony of stretching muscles that had overexerted themselves, shocked themselves into motion with electricity, then not moved for two days.

Deciding to bite the bullet- Denki snorted a laugh at his accidental pun- he did his abdominal stretches first, gyrating his torso and folding his body in half. He did five minutes of these exercises, but it felt like much, much longer. His stomach felt like it had just been punched with a Detroit Smash by the end, but at least he wouldn't have to deal with stretching injured body parts until tomorrow. He spent the next ten minutes stretching his legs and arms, tangled golden hair appearing more and more like a rat's nest as he disturbed his bed head while he moved. He rotated his neck, pulled on his fingers, and basically activating every muscle on his body at least once. It was hellish, but thankfully at least one degree colder of hell than his earlier exercise had been.

Taking several deep breaths and sitting back against his mattress, bed frame digging into the small of his back, Denki finally allowed himself a short break before he had to force himself to his feet and make his bed. Ugh, he had to make his bed. Wonderful.

Attempting to delay the inevitable torture that was thirty seconds of easy work, Denki pulled his phone off the nightstand by his bed and went about clearing his notifications. As expected, the family's facebook group was abuzz with praise, congratulations, and requests for lunch meetings and hang outs with his cousins. Denki rarely used facebook- the app was, what, 200 years old by now? Today, however, he eagerly opened the app. His heart lifted at the lavish praise, and a smile stretched across his face. His family really loved him, and he loved them. It was really wonderful to live in a household that cared about him unconditionally. Denki briefly wondered why his siblings seemed to dislike his parents so much, but discarded the thought. Today was NOT going to be tainted by Shouka.

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