Chapter 16: Snip the Threads.

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Trigger Warnings!!!: Extreme and graphic violence, sexual assault

(A more detailed but spoiler-heavy list will be at the bottom, alongside a guide of what parts to skip if certain things bother you.)

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Sketch ripped from the notebook of Mei Hatsume, processed and archived into HPSC records

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Sketch ripped from the notebook of Mei Hatsume, processed and archived into HPSC records. Notes in the red pen are corrections and comments by the head of UA's support department, Majima A.K.A. Powerloader. The image is of her application to UA High School (year 2256), where she was graded on her design of the back piece of... wait. That can't be right. Denki Ka- (End transcript)

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"Villains!?" The boy with the odd elbows- Sero, Denki thinks- coughs a laugh, "No way! What villain would be dumb enough to break into UA!?"

"Thirteen-Sensei," Yaoyorozu says nervously, "Aren't there intruder sensors?"

" Of course there are!" Thirteen responds, still staring down at the villains beginning to climb the stairs. Aizawa's almost reached them- and he still doesn't have any backup.

" Then why haven't any alarms gone off!?" Kamakiri snaps, his mantis-like mandibles clicking together in agitation.

"It must be one of their quirks that's doing it." Todoroki, the usually quiet boy with red and white hair, says, "They must have an objective."

" They're stupid!" Kirishima declares, still somehow maintaining a smile, "Whatever they want, they're not gonna get it with all the pros here!"

" This assault is well coordinated," Tokoyami rakes a keen, analytical eye over the plaza, where their teacher had just engaged his first opponents. "Far from the main building, minimal opposition, and crippled communications. We mustn't underestimate them." Despite the mortal peril they're now facing, Tokoyami is resolute and apparently calm. Perhaps the shock hasn't yet set in?

" Cool, great, now can we leave!?" Mineta shrieks. Realizing he's dumbly standing around while his life is in danger, Denki turns away from the yelps and crashes of the battle below and begins to sprint toward the exit.

" Go, go, go!" Thirteen yells, windmilling their arms with urgency. In a panicked horde, the students sprint away from the fighting. Their footfalls thunder on the concrete floor, a discordant marching rhythm only adding to the panic in Denki's mind. Blood pounds in his ears, and he is once again on the verge of a breakdown. His vision is blurry, his thoughts distant, and a black haze appears before his eyes.


A black haze...?

With a snap, Denki is shoved to the back of his mind alongside the box he cannot open. Conduit takes over, lunging to the side with an electrically charged leap. He takes Tokage and Kirishima with him, splaying out on the ground but quickly skittering to return to his feet. He curses his lack of training and instinct- though he does not dwell on those failings. Heroes win, no matter the odds, circumstance, or trial. Conduit will defeat the enemy with what resources he has now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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