ACT 3: Chatper 14: The Beginning

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START OF ACT III: When the consequences of the predecessors harken.

Chapter 14: The Beginning

What happens when the most popular person in the world is combined with the most popular school in the world? Paparazzi. Paparazzi is what happens.

Thankfully, because Denki was living on campus, he managed to avoid getting sucked up in the mob. Still, even as he walked through the doors to his school, he could hear the overlapping jibber-jabber of scoop-hungry reporters and the cacophony of clicking cameras. If he looked out towards the UA barrier and the gate, he could see a group of people who were packed so tightly together that a black hole would be jealous of their density.

To be perfectly frank, he was surprised it took the media this long to swarm the gates. Nezu and the UA staff must have been working overtime to keep All Might's employment a secret. Denki had first thought that was stupid- bottling up all the excitement into one moment would be catastrophic once the floodgates were opened. Then, he realized that Nezu was probably just trying to better control the flow. It was a dangerous game; he hoped that the rat knew what he was doing.

"Whatcha thinkin' abou'?" Tokage asked, leaning forwards and blinking owlishly. She'd taken to walking to school with him, the two of them leaving early every day to get to class before everyone else. Well, not including Iida- somehow, despite living far enough away to take the train, the stiff rule-follower managed to arrive an entire hour early. Denki was half convinced that he was secretly a robot or an alien.

"The reporters," Denki responded, squinting suspiciously at the mulling crowd of cameras and lights. "Nezu must've realized that they'd react like this, right? I mean, there were already a couple of them outside on day one, trying to get pics of us. I can't imagine he'd overlook the chaos All Might's employment would reveal."

"Wait, wha'!?" Tokage exclaimed, elbowing him in the side, "Are ya serious!? I didn' see 'em!"

"Yuuuuup." Denki grinned, shoving her in retaliation, "Ya know, maybe it was just my-" he fluttered his eyelashes exaggeratedly, "-overwhelming charisma. Those reporters couldn't help but take photos of me,"

"Oh shut up, ya dumbass!" Tokage laughed, pushing him to the side in retaliation for the retaliation. This cycle continued to escalate until an annoyed and sleepy looking first year general education student gave them the most evil stink eye. Seriously, Denki shivered from the oppressive aura the boy's purple eyes cast. Simply terrifying.

Once he and Tokage passed him, and made their way to the elevators to their floor, he bent over to whisper in her ear, "Oh my god. He's emo."

Tokage snorted, "Or depressed."

"Or sleepy."

"Or annoyed."

"Or cowed into submission by my overwhelming charisma."

"Or..." Tokage frowned, "I'm nah' even gracin' tha' with ah proper response."

Denki laughed, and pushed the door to their classroom open.

. . . .

The morning was somewhat interesting, as Aizawa forced a decision of class rep onto them. Denki, surprisingly, got two votes. He wouldn't have minded being the representative, but he also didn't particularly care. So, he ceded his position as vice-representative to Yaoyorozu without a fight. As for the class president themselves...

It was Midoriya.

Somehow, somewhy, it was Midoriya.

Iida getting no votes convinced Denki that he was dreaming.

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