Chapter 9: Why can't we have a normal couple of hours?

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Denki was feeling great.

Well, great was an understatement.

Denki felt amazing.

Sure, he'd had all his electricity sucked out of him. Sure, he'd collapsed in a fit of exhaustion in front of his entire class on the first day of school. Sure, he was already behind on his coursework on day two. Sure, there were a few awful students. But for Denki, the pure awesomeness of today wholly outweighed the negatives.

He'd made more than a few friends- from Iida's comical rule-following personality to Midoriya's near-omnipresent stutter. Literally everyone he could think of wanting in his hero course class was there with him, and he felt like these people could really become genuine friends. Not like his middle school friends, who were really just acquaintances- they were fun to goof off with, but Denki didn't really see anything past that. There was a reason he didn't return to his school after the UA exam- he'd just be swarmed with friendship offerings and the like. But here? UA was pretty awesome.

Kirishima seemed like he was already going to be Denki's best friend. Awesome hair? Check. Cool personality? Check. Original? Check. Completely unique person? Check. Strong and kind? Check. Red-headed, confident, and totally cool, Kirishima was definitely on Denki's "befriend at all costs" list. Although, they might already be ahead on that account. Their first conversation they'd talked like old friends. The next time he saw the red-head, Denki was 100% going to get his phone number and whatever socials he was on.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Tokoyami was a person that Denki, at the very least, wanted to learn more about. The gloomy raven-headed emo probably wasn't the type of person who'd go to the arcade and waste 10,000 yen on a rigged game with silly plushies, but he seemed pretty chill. Plus, he talked like his mother threw up a thesaurus for him to eat as a hatchling rather than worms. Wait- is that mutist? Damn it, he needed to work on his metaphors before he blurted them out stupidly.

In between those two were Midoriya and Kendo. Both of them weren't hyper, but also weren't as laid back and My-Chemical-Romance-Core as Tokoyami. Midoriya definitely needed to work on his confidence, and from his and Denki's first interaction, he thought the broccoli-head had some... issues . He was probably bullied often, with how similar his expression was to Shouka's when there was a loud noise.

Wait- Shouka wasn't bullied. Why was he making that comparison? Was Shouka-

Nope! Not today, I am NOT dealing with her today!

Kendo was... odd , to say the least. She was perfectly reasonable and collected in person, to the extent that she was almost- Denki didn't want to say boring ... maybe just very normal? She was pretty, though. That didn't really matter in who he had as a friend, it was just an observation. Hanging out with the girl one-on-one wasn't the greatest, it was a bit awkward most of the time. Over text, though, Kendo was like a completely different person. Denki had almost asked if he had the wrong number with how different online-Kendo and in-person-Kendo acted. He had mixed feelings about her.

The odd-one-out of who Denki thought of when he thought about friends or potential friends in 1-A was Iida. Iida seemed like a great guy to be in good graces with. He was smart, which was obvious when one considered the way he talked. It was almost like the only books he read as a child were safety manuals and instruction booklets. If that were the case, Denki wouldn't be surprised. Normally, Denki wouldn't want to be friends with someone who followed school law that closely. What made him different was his ability to realize mistakes, apologizing any time his insanely over-the-top adherence to rules ended up causing offense, even if it was only perceived offense. He was also completely willing to change his viewpoint and learn, like when he tried to "rebel" by moving a pencil on his desk. Oh, and it totally helped that he was absolutely hilarious to be around. Seriously- Denki could hardly think of a time he'd laughed harder than when the blue-haired boy told him to "Put your posterior in your chair!"

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