Ashen Phoenix, Dark Shadows

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Chapter five: Ashen Phoenix, Dark Shadows

Shota Aizawa, also known as Eraserhead, also known as "Mood Killer", also known as "Bane of U.A. 's board of directors" tiredly slouched his way to the conference room. Half an hour ago, Nezu had sent out an email to the staff this year, calling for an all hands on deck meeting. Wonderful. Just wonderful. Those meetings always went well.

Shota sighed into his capture scarf as he walked, passing by the newly renovated 1-A classroom. What was it going to be this time? A little over a year had passed since the previous all-faculty conference. During the last sports festival, a problem child with a permeation quirk, Mirio Togata, ended up winning fully in the nude. Other than the obvious issue of the kid's embarrassment, UA had faced a scandal over "improperly preparing students" and "broadcasting sexual depictions of minors" oh, and of course, "purposeful indecent exposure". Damned hero commission. Yes, they were partially right about the lack of preparation. Hero students weren't allowed to use their costumes during the festival, but, really, they should consider extenuating circumstances. Shota fully blamed the school on that one.

But the rest of those claims? Ridiculous. Just another political ploy to undermine UA's public perception. Seriously, if the HPSC put half the budget of their political schemes into actual safety, Japan's crime rate would be zero by now. Their idiotic targeting of UA only undermines public trust in heroes. It was illogical, they're all on the same side here- stopping villainy and raising future heroes. Then again, the HPSC only supports daylight heroes. They probably only care about the tax money they get from all the merchandise.

Shota crossed the sky bridge, nearing the conference room. He knew this not because he knows UA's campus by heart, which he does, but because of the insufferably loud voice of his best friend: Yamada Hizashi, or Present Mic. The Voice hero's, well, voice, was echoing down the corridor from around a bend. He was laughing, and Shota sighed yet again. If the school had to replace one more window because of the man's ridiculous antics, he was going to make sure it came out of Hizashi's payroll. As Shota approached the source of the noise, he groaned as he heard another sound.

"Come on, Hizashi! There are better ways to relieve stress, hmm~?" The unmistakable sultry voice of Nemuri Kayama, also known as the R-rated hero: Midnight, also known as the bane of Shota's existence, accompanied Hizashi's raucous laugh.

"Hey, hey! I've known ya too long for that to work on me, ya dig? You're like a sistahhhhh! To me!" Hizashi and Nemuri rounded the corner, still conversing in a tone several decibels too loud for Shota's liking.

Present Mic was a tall man, though his frankly ridiculous and impractical hairstyle added at least a foot of height onto him. His pastel yellow hair was held back by his ever present headphones. The public didn't know this, but Hizashi had long since lost his hearing due to his own quirk. The headphones were actually a very well disguised, very advanced pair of hearing aids. Shota thought it was perhaps the only rational part of his gaudy and tacky costume. They fit his brand, didn't stand out, and wouldn't be targeted due to their apparent lack of use. Mic was out of his hero costume today, which was usual for his much more relaxed summer work schedule. He wore an ostentatious yellow tee with tropical flowers on it, and long blue jeans.

"Ooh~" Nemuri teased, shaking her body in a, though Shota would never admit it, appealing way, "Didn't know you were into the family stuff, 'Zashi, kinky~"

Midnight was the R-Rated hero for a reason. She was in her hero costume today, but that's what she normally wore most of the time. It was a white leotard, except her entire body was covered save her hands and head. She wore unlinked handcuffs on her wrist, which were, annoyingly, actually useful. She could take them off quickly and restrain unconscious villains if need be. A ridiculous and inappropriate, albeit flattering, corset was worn over the leotard. It was black with red studs on the strip that ran between her breasts and to her collar, and covered her crotch area. Provocative and idiotic as it was, Shota at least credited her for making this part of her costume as strong as possible. Though, the rest of her costume was significantly less so. She wore a garter belt, holding up stockings that fit into the most irrational part of her entire outfit: six inch high black boot-heels. How she managed to walk in those all day, every day, in precarious terrain and rugged landscapes, Shota had no idea.

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