The Aftermath of UA's Practical

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A/N: CLASSES ARE STILL UNDECIDED! IF YOU WANT TO CHOOSE WHO IS IN DENKI'S CLASS, THEN COMMENT YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS! I'll be putting them on a wheel, and every comment for a character will be another slot on the wheel for said character!
ex: if there are five "Tokoyami" comments, then Tokoyami will be on the wheel six times.

The ride home from the entrance exam was extremely long. After walking with his new friend, Kendo, until they reached the train station, Denki's quirk-caused migraine kicked in with the force of a rampaging bull. One moment he was waving bye to Kendo as she got on her train, and the next Denki was clutching his head in pain, falling back onto a convenient bench. It felt like a thousand daggers were stabbing him at the base of his skull and between his eyes. The pain was localized to that one region, the entire rest of his head feeling perfectly fine. It created an odd, uncomfortable feeling, with unimaginable pain in one section of his head and normal feeling just s few centimeters away.

Sucking in breaths between his teeth, Denki hyperventilated as he attempted to get used to the pounding pain. It wasn't the worst quirk-graine he's had, but it was definitely up there. He just counted himself lucky that he didn't attempt to drain the zero pointer. If he did, he'd probably be in the ICU by now, if not dead after going into shock from the pain.

Gripping the rail beside him in a white knuckled hold, Denki poured every last remaining bit of charge inside of him into it. The stabbing daggers in his skull's edges blunted slightly, and he was able to inhale a full, shaky breath through his nose and breathe out through his mouth. In, out. In, out. In, out. The process repeated several times before the golden-haired teen's pain subsided, if only slightly.

With shaking fingers, Denki pulled his backpack's straps off his shoulders and pushed it to the side. Squeezing his eyes shut and wincing in pain as a train nearby rattled off, Denki reached for the zipper to the smallest pocket in his backpack, at the very front. Missing once, twice, then finally grabbing it a third time, he pulled roughly and the bag opened. Reaching into the pocket, Denki grabbed its sole item: a pillbox of incredibly strong, quick acting migraine medication. He fumbled with the lid, opening it roughly and spilling several of the white tablets around the pocket. He grabbed at a random tablet, and quickly brought it up to his lips. He swallowed it without water, gagging slightly as the horribly tasting pill made contact with his tongue.

Denki breathed out a breath he didn't know he was holding as the medication kicked in almost instantly, and his shoulder muscles relaxed. Gagging slightly again as he swallowed on the taste of the pill, Denki unzipped his middle pocket- significantly easier than his attempts at opening the front pocket previously- and pulled out his water bottle. He downed its remaining contents- around half of its capacity- in two gulps. The lukewarm, micro-plastic infected water tasted heavenly compared to the disgusting sensation of a pill taken dry and its even less enviable taste. Massaging his temples, he waited for the train to his neighborhood to arrive.

The train ride home was horrible. Denki hadn't been able to find anywhere to sit, so he ended up standing on his still-hurting legs, nursing his still-hurting stomach with his still-hurting hand. At least the migraine had subsided to his normal, day-to-day headache. After using his quirk for so long and so often repeatedly, Denki had developed a strong tolerance for headaches. The migraine he had had earlier at the station would've sent him to the hospital just a few years ago. He wished there was a way to overcome this failure of his quirk, but he doubted it. (No, no, You're just blocking your potential, you're just scared, scared of what happened during The Time-)

Denki shook his head. A sudden feeling of panic had spiked within him, seemingly unprompted. He looked around- nothing suspicious to be seen. He wondered what that was all about.

The excruciating train ride was luckily broken up by a few moments of joy for Denki, provided entirely by his new friend. He texted Kendo nearly the entire ride home.

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