UA's real test

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A/N: CLASSES ARE STILL UNDECIDED! IF YOU WANT TO CHOOSE WHO IS IN DENKI'S CLASS, THEN COMMENT YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS! I'll be putting them on a wheel, and every comment for a character will be another slot on the wheel for said character!
ex: if there are five "Tokoyami" comments, then Tokoyami will be on the wheel six times.

Chapter 2: UA's real test

UA was, evidently, a massive school. Its hallways were long and tall, probably fifteen feet high at the least, and was lit by bright, unwavering lights. Even with 17,000 volts boosting Denki's brainpower- he had burnt around a thousand during the exam- he felt incredibly lost in the meandering corridors. If- no, when- he got into UA, he'd probably need to keep an interactive map on him at all times as to not be trapped in the labyrinthian corridors. Luck was on his side, however, in the form of Iida Tenya. The aspiring hero student walked quickly and purposefully forwards, Denki struggling to catch up with him. His quirk likely had to do with momentum, with engines being produced from his calves. This translated directly into his incredibly robotic yet speedy trek through the halls.

Denki jogged behind him, struggling to not lose him between the mass of mulling hopefuls and his surprising agility. Luckily, the boy soon ground to a halt in front of a pair of especially massive double doors, which were open in invitation. Denki blinked twice, this must be the Auditorium, he thought, squinting suspiciously at the doors as he walked through them. Twenty- no, thirty feet tall, they were a gleaming dark wood and stood imposingly. They were probably around eight inches thick- impossible to open without machine help. The rest of the auditorium was of similar grandiose, a massive stage sat dead center, flanked on all sides by speakers and spotlights. Three stories of rows towered above them, easily enough to fill the fifteen thousand students who were applying today. Denki spotted several other massive doors on each tier, where students were poring in.

Denki whistled slowly, "Glad to see the government funding is being put to good use, eh Iida-kun?" Making friends was always a good idea. Denki was lucky to be an extrovert, and nearly always knew what to say to start- or continue- a conversation. There's a reason he's one of the most popular kids in his school.

Iida, several paces in front of him and about to turn into a row of seats near the middle, snapped still as if he was at attention in the military. Pivoting on his heel, the muscular boy turned around sharply to face Denki. Pushing his square glasses up the bridge of his nose, he spoke.

"Ah, Kaminari-San! I did not notice you walking behind me. Please excuse my rudeness earlier, you clearly saw more in the exam than I did! I applaud your studious efforts. I would also like to request that you do not poke fun at this school's spending habits!"

Denki blinked two more times, "hey, dude, lighten up a little! The written exam's over, so no need to be so stiff. You kinda talk like an academic dissertation"

"Well, of course I do! It falls to me, the second oldest Iida brother, to uphold the image of my family! I suggest you speak with more respect, this is UA after all! Even if you did figure out that detail on the exam, you should be more respectful" Iida's proud words continued to be enunciated by chopping motions.

"Sure, sure. I'll try my best to 'pay my due respects'" Denki's last words were spoken with mock haughtiness, followed by an overly exxagerated sharp bow. "Anyways," Denki continued, "you look like you knew where you were going, so I thought it'd be a good idea to... spark up a conversation!"

"I do not understand!"

"Dude, you're hopeless."

"I still do not understand!"

Denki laughed, and Iida cracked a hesitant, as if confused what he's smiling about, grin. The two of them began making their way to the middle row in the second story of seats, when they were interrupted by a loud but familiar sound.

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