Chapter 7: New classmates, new friendships, and new crushes...?

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Chapter 7: New classmates, new friendships, and new crushes...?

"Hello, fellow peer! I am Ten-" Denki turned to spot the kid he'd met during the entrance exam a month ago, Ten-something Iida(?), frozen like an unplugged robot halfway to the door, arms at rigid ninety-degree angles.

"Oh, hey! Iida-San, right?" Denki beamed at the blue-haired boy, who currently looked like he should be making the Windows shutdown noise. "Nice to see I've got some people I know with me, right?" Denki frowned, concerned after Iida remained frozen, "uhhh... do you need some WD-40 or something? You okay?"

After another moment, the light returned to Iida's eyes, and he locked his arms to his sides, executing a swift but deep bow. "I am alright! Thank you. Yes, I agree! It is wonderful to work alongside a pre-established friend. Kaminari-San! I appreciate your gesture of friendship, and I accept!" He remained in the bow. Denki was now the one going through a Windows shutdown in his brain.

"Also!" Iida continued, just as stiffly, "I must apologize! I insulted and distracted you during the written exam one month ago! You saw what the teachers were looking for. I must admit, you are the superior student! I am truly sorry that I may have caused you distress, though I now see you persevered nonetheless!"

"You could be a poet," Denki muttered

"What!?" Iida said loudly, still in the bow.

Denki walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Relax, dude! No need to worry. I got in, you got in, it's all fine, yeah? Plus, I just got lucky with my quirk. I'm sure- nah, I'm absolutely one hundred percent certain you're a good student" Denki proffered a hand, and Iida took it after a moment. Pulling the taller boy out of the bow, the electric teen grinned brightly. Iida returned a small smile in response.

"Thank you!" Iida was practically shouting, but Denki was used to loud things, considering he was, well, himself.

"Yeah, no prob." Denki said, turning his eyes to the classroom. It looked perfectly innocent and normal, though he'd be willing to bet there was a bunch of hidden tech everywhere. Counting the rows, Denki walked to the middle of the desks, second column, and slung his backpack over his shoulder onto desk number 10.

His desk. At UA. For hero-ing.

Don't geek out, don't geek out, don't geek out!

Behind him, a small black backpack sat draped over a chair. Considering there were only two people in the class so far, Denki knew who it was.

"Hey, Iida-San!" Denki called, sitting backward in the chair to face Iida's desk.

As if waiting for an invitation to his own seat, Iida walked over and sat down stiffly. Denki would say it was good posture, but considering the tension in his muscles was visible through multiple layers of clothing, all of its benefits were canceled out.

"Kaminari-San." Iida pushed his glasses further up his nose. Seriously, how cliche can this guy get!? "With all due respect to our..." Iida faltered slightly, "...friendship, I must request that you turn around in your seat! You are being disrespectful!"

Denki blinked, "What are these chairs for?

"Sitting!" Iida said proudly, then paused to think about something before adding: "With all feet on the floor and your posterior in the chair!"

Let it be known that Denki tried not to laugh, but considering Iida, the tall boy with back muscles as wide as the desks, and as strict and stiff as a metal rod, just said with full seriousness and zero waver the word "posterior" un-ironically, All Might himself wouldn't be able to hold Denki's jaws shut.

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