1. The Fair

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"Why are we here again?"
"Because, we need to meet people my baby brother." Lilliana told her younger brother Asher. It was the day before school started up again, and the annual fair was being held. Lilliana and her two brothers had moved to Rockbridge Falls with their mom after some, "issues" happened in Texas.
"What if I have trust issues and really don't wanna meet people." Asher asked with a sarcastic tone. He put his hands in his hoodie pockets and stopped walking, wanting an answer from his two older siblings, who just looked at each other. Lilliana rolled her eyes and Orrin sighed.
    "Look Asher, I know that it's hard for you to make friends after the whole bullying situation at our last school, but please, can you just try to find some friends? You can't stick with us forever y'know." Orrin explained, knowing his younger brother was probably absolutely heartbroken about it. Asher stared at his older siblings in disbelief.
"Fine. Maybe I will go find some new friends." He then stormed off into the parking lot, leaving twins alone at the entrance of the parking lot.
"Wow great job Orrin, you made him leave."
"Like you could do any fucking better." The two bickered while heading into the fair. Other kids their age talked and walked everywhere. Each person looked more annoying than the last, but Lilliana quickly realized how fucked up this school is gonna be when the announcement came on and football players started running out of a certain area.
"Ladies and gentlemen it's time to get ready! Get wild and get horny for our very own Vikings!" The announcer said as the speakers blared and everyone clapped a cheered.
   "And the man who will lead us to victory," the announcer continued, "against the evil, maniacal, shit-eating, Huntington Ferrets...let's hear it for Jeff!" Everyone cheered and screamed louder. Girls were yelling inappropriate things such as, "Jeff have my babies" or "Jeff, fill me with your seed!" What in the world was wrong with this school.
    "They really like Jeff here huh?" Lilliana said to her brother. Orrin nodded, his face looked just as confused with everything was happening. The two continued walking around the fair, until a cotton candy cone hit Lilliana in the leg.
   "What the fuck?" She mumbled, looking around to see what direction the cone came from, and her eyes landed on five girls talking to each other, well, more like two girls talking to each other and the other three just standing there. There was one girl who really popped out to Lilliana, and that was the girl who was in the back of it all. She had short brown shaggy hair and dark blue eyes, she kinda stood there like she didn't know what to do and just wanted to be part of something. Lilliana found it kinda...cute. She looked at the girl some more, inspecting and studying her from where she was. Eventually, the girl looked her way and they made eye contact for quite a bit, her dark blue eyes looking at Lilliana's dark green ones. And then Orrin interrupted it.
  "Wanna go get some lemonade?" Her twin asked. Lilliana broke the eye chain and turned to Orrin.
  "Ok, sure." She replied and the two went to get their drinks.

  A little while later, Lilliana and Orrin wanted to go home and they searched for Asher in the parking lot.
  "Asher! Asher! C'mon dude we wanna go home!" Orrin called out, but no one responded. Lilliana walked around, and heard sniffles and crying in a corner. She went in the direction to see a boy with his ginger hair in the messiest haircut ever, sitting down with his knees in front of his face. Yep. That was Asher.
  "Asher, are you crying?" Lilliana asked as she sat down next to him. Asher wiped the tears from his eyes and looked up at his older sister.
  "I uh, couldn't find any people my age to hang out with. Most of the people I tried to talk to just laughed and called me a dumbass freshman." He sniffled. Lilliana gave him an apologetic look and hugged his shoulder with her arm.
"Well your sister hasn't been having that good of a time either. Someone threw a cotton candy cone in my leg and now I have a stain on my favorite pants." Lilliana joked and Asher let out a chuckle. They sat there for a little while and then got up. "C'mon, let's go find Orrin."

Orrin was staring at the football team that was in front of a car, all surrounding the star, Jeff, who was laying down in agony.
"What the hell happened?" Asher asked.
"A girl touched him with her car."

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