3. The Girl With The Ginger Hair

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  Hazel sat down next to Annie with a wide cheeky smile. Her hands were on the desk like in one of those "ready to learn student" examples in elementary school. Annie obviously was confused by Hazel's weird smile and position. Something was up.
"Hazel, what's going on?" Annie asked confused. Hazel looked around and leaned closer to Annie.
"I'm helping Pj and Josie start a girl's fight club-well more like self defense but I was wondering if-"
"You're starting an all female fight club?" A voice next to Hazel asked. Hazel to turned her a head to see a girl who looked absolutely stunning. Her hair was wavy and was a light ginger color that just glistened as the sun from the window shined on it. Her eyes were a dark green that Hazel could absolutely get lost in for hours upon hours, like a labyrinth, but she wouldn't mind. Her lips were the most perfect mix of pink and red, and tiny freckles popped out from the bridge of her nose all the way to her cheeks, but not in a bad way.
"Well it's more like a self defense-" Hazel was about to explain but got interrupted by the goddess of a girl.
"I don't care. I want in." Hazel sat there in absolute shock, forgetting why she was even talking about the club. All she knew was that she was gonna be spending after school in a gym with a ton of girls, but specifically, the girl with the ginger hair.
   "Hazel?" Annie interrupted Hazel's daydream.
   "I'll join the club."
   "Oh ok."

"What the fuck? These girls are ugly," Pj whined to Hazel once she saw who Hazel brought for the fight club. Hazel wanted to say something about the ginger haired girl from earlier, but she hadn't arrived yet.
"Where is Stella?"
"She was booked for a car convention." Hazel explained.
"What? It's a Monday."
"Um, maybe we should go before someone cool shows up? Before I die? Pick one," Josie exclaimed. Two more girls walked in but it was just Crystal and Sylvie. No ginger haired girl. Pj whined some more, saying that Sylvie would be cuter if she didn't have braces and stopped huffing paint, and that's when it happened. She walked in. Hazel, Josie, and Pj stopped their conversation and stared at the ginger haired girl as she walked in and sat down.
"Hazel, who is that?" Pj asked.
"I-I don't actually know, she said she would join when I was talking to Annie about the club but she never gave me her name." Hazel explained nervously. The three girls just stared in awe at the ginger haired girl.
"So I thought we'd start, um..." Hazel finally said while flipping through pages of her notebook. Josie leaned in to see Hazel's notes but then Pj pushed both of them out of the way.
"All right! Listen up you cunt-sucking pieces of shit! Welcome to our fucking fight club!" Pj yelled at the rest of the girls.
"Um, it's a self defense club. It's not really, "fight"," Josie interrupted, trying to calm the mood. Meanwhile Hazel sat herself down next to the ginger haired girl as Pj talked about Hunting and stuff. Hazel awkwardly scooted herself closer to the ginger haired girl and whispered,
  "So uh, what's your name?" The ginger haired girl turned her head to Hazel.
  "I- uh-, I need your name for uh, club registration."
  "Oh I'm Lilliana Crook." Finally. Hazel knew this beautiful ginger haired girl's name. Lilliana. Hazel smiled at her softly . "Don't you need to write it down...?" Lilliana asked. Hazel caught herself once Lilliana spoke.
  "Oh, yeah, I kinda forgot about that...I'm Hazel by the way." Lilliana gave Hazel a smile and went back to listening to Pj and Josie's lecture.

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