15. Dear Pj, go fuck yourself

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Lilliana and Hazel were practically glued to each other during school. They held hands, passed notes to each other during class, talked and ate in the bathroom during lunch, everything you could possibly imagine they could do during school, they did. And only getting caught, once.
Both Lilliana and Hazel had a free period, and they wanted to do something together, so they sneaked onto the field and under the bleachers. That's where the two kissed, not letting go of each other's lips. Hazel held Lilliana's waist as she ran her fingers through her dark brown hair. They kissed and kissed, unable to stop until Mr. G came and yelled,
"Hey! No funny business under the bleachers you two." Hazel and Lilliana jumped and pulled away, the looked at each other straight in the eyes and laughed. Hazel took Lilliana by the hand and walked out of there.

Soon, it came time for fight club. Unfortunately, Tim had found out about the little incident with Jeff's house and car, and threatened to have the fight club canceled.
"All right, well some of us clearly have a different definition of egging, but if we keep our mouths shut and stay calm, we'll be fine," Pj scolded. The whole room was filled with an awkward tension.
"They're gonna shut us down, aren't they?" Sylvie spoke.
"What? No, we don't know that," Pj scoffed and stammered.
"Principal Meyers will believe whatever Jeff and Tim say. I don't really see how we recover from this," Brittany pointed out. Pj's face had looked like the realization hit.
"You know, it's been real guys," Hazel said, and she glanced at Lilliana, who was sitting next to her, holding her hand.
"Okay, let's not jump to conclusions with the, goodbyes and-" Pj tried to say but Hazel kept talking, giving Pj a taste of her own medicine.
"I'm gonna miss you guys so much," She said, and the whole room went quiet.
   "Well like, at least we went out with a bang! I mean, that was fucking insane!" Sylvie said cheering up the mood. The girls laughed, and this was what the club was about, not the fighting, but the connection. "There was just, like, fire everywhere-"
    "Wait. Stop, we don't, no! We don't know that for sure," Pj kept trying to convince everyone that the club wasn't going everywhere, but everyone knew.
    "Pj, don't be sad it's over, be happy it happened," Annie said.
    "Yeah this was an amazing experience for all of us I think we should all cherish it," Lilliana added, but Pj would not give up.
   "All right, can everyone calm the fuck down please?" She snapped. "The club is not over, Josie, right?" Josie stood there and didn't say anything.
   "No matter what, this club has brought me so much, I feel...so much more powerful and, um, protected," Isabel said, and Josie mumbled a little, "Me too." But Pj was just being a god damn pain in the ass and scoffing and rolling her eyes. Hazel finally had enough.
"Oh my god, Pj, okay. I'm sorry that you didn't get what you wanted out of this group but I think the rest of us did!"
"Oh, good for fucking you Hazel. I'm glad that you finally wrote one email. Accomplished a lot,"
"I actually did, I practically ran this club for you and Josie,"
"You really think that you're the reason that we have this club?"
"The reason? No. But I can tell everyone that if you want,"
"Hazel, uh, hey, let's calm down, right?" Josie tried to interrupt the fight, but Pj would never back down.
"You're really ungrateful, you're so lucky that we even let you be a part of this,"
"Pj, you're a liar," Suddenly Pj wasn't talking anymore. It was like one comment from Hazel and she didn't even know what to say. One small comment. Well that's not really the case cause Pj's brain doesn't work that way.
"Yeah, well, you have no friends, and a skank as a mom, so," She put a smug smile on her face, like she was the goddamn queen of the world.
Lilliana wanted to absolutely kill Pj. In no way in hell was that a fair argument. It hurt even more when Hazel couldn't say anything and just grabbed her things and left. Lilliana got up and started to follow her, but something stopped her.
"You know Lilliana you don't have to go after her, I get you wanna be nice and everything but you should probably just stop it," Pj commented. That just crossed the fucking line.
"Pj, has it ever crossed your mind that maybe I like being around Hazel? That maybe the whole world doesn't around your god damn opinion?"
"Geez I was just-"
"You know you are such a bitch towards her. Look, I know that I'm new and I don't know you two's backstory, but I think I can sense when you're just using someone, so maybe, instead of playing this whole, 'oh making fun of you even though you're my friend is bad ass' you could learn what empathy is you whiny little bitch," Lilliana yelled and stormed out of the room, leaving Pj and the rest of the girl's speechless.

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