6. Pin me down

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   After Pj and Josie's amazing explanation about why this club was created and why it needed to be kept, plus Sylvie screaming "YES QUEEN, YES, SLAY YES," which was by far one of the loudest things Lilliana has every heard, and she was from Texas, they got to work on the fighting part the next day.
   All of the girls stood in a circle and two of them would be in the middle. Pj and Josie were first. It was awkward, they kinda just tried to punch each other but one would always dodge the other, and mainly walked around the circle the whole time. Until Pj punched Josie in the stomach and she fell onto her knees.
    Second was Annie and a girl who Lilliana learned name was Brittney, and this was a little better. They shoved each other a bit. Annie slapped Brittney across the face, but then Brittney punched her right in the nose, hard.
    Third was Isabel, who was apparently the most popular girl in school, and Hazel. Isabel tried to punched Hazel, but she dodged it, which resulted in Hazel kicking Isabel in the shin. Ouch. Finally, Isabel dug her knee in Hazel, which resulted in Hazel falling to the ground. Wasn't the funnest fight Lilliana had ever seen, but she did like when Hazel shook Isabel's hand after. She found it adorable.
    Lilliana was up next against Stella Rebecca, the girl who thought they were fighting for money. She seemed really nice, but kinda an airhead. The two walked around until Stella uppercut punched Lilliana, which hurt like goddamn hell, but hey, it was kinda...fun. Lilliana rubbed her jaw a bit and quickly kicked her foot under Stella causing her to fall to the floor and hit her head on the gym. Lilliana quickly helped her up.
   "Oh my god I am so sorry are you okay?" She stammered.
    "That was awesome!" Stella squealed. Something about it made Lilliana smiled, like she felt happy about kicking her to the ground.
    The next few days were like that too, the girls would fight each other and point out things. Mr G, who was the history teacher and the advisor for the club, even started a unit on feminism! Lilliana was really happy about this school. Well, her brothers and her mom did find it strange how she was the one coming open with a ton of blood on her face, but hey, Lilliana liked it.
    There was one fight that stuck in Lilliana's brain. The fight between her, and Hazel. It was the first time they had switched partners, and holy hell Lilliana was nervous. She was used to Stella, who got really excited about every punch she made, but the thing about Hazel, Lilliana couldn't get Hazel out of her brain! She was doing good at first, punching and dodging a bit, but it was tiny stuff. But then suddenly, Hazel caught her off guard. She pushed onto Lilliana with her body and they both fell to the ground, Hazel on top of Lilliana with her hands on her wrists. They laid there for a moment, breathing and staring at each other. Lilliana even caught herself staring at Hazel's lips, looked away, which caused Hazel to get up nervously. The two stood together awkwardly and congratulated each other.

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