4. Stories in the bathroom stall

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   Hazel walked into the girls bathroom. She didn't wanna go to gym. Gym was a bunch of bullshit. She opened up a bathroom stall and sat herself down on the toilet cover. But something smelt...weird. Like, weed? Hazel looked through the gap of the stall next to her to see a pair of dark brown-high-top-platform converse. Hazel ran out of her stall and knocked on the one next to her.
"Hey are you smoking weed in there?" She asked.
"Um, maybe?" A familiar voice replied back. Hazel stood there awkwardly, millions of thoughts ran across her brain. Does she ask who it is? Does she ask if she can have some? Does she just leave? Does she tell them that they shouldn't smoke at school? Hazel couldn't decide. She just stood there with her mouth open, staring at the stall door. Suddenly, the door swung open and hit Hazel in the face.
"Oh my god Hazel, are you okay?" The voice exclaimed in worry.
"Yeah I'm fine..." Hazel looked up to see Lilliana, slightly sitting on the edge toilet seat cover. Hazel didn't know what to say, she just stared in awe.
"...Wanna join me?"
"I- uh- ok!"

Hazel and Lilliana had been laughing and laughing in the stall for about 30 minutes. The two girls gave up on the weed after Hazel pointed out how obvious it would be that they were smoking, so Lilliana flushed it down the toilet and sprayed perfume all over everything, including Hazel. You bet they had fun with that. For now, until the bell rang, the two talked about the most random things.
"So, did you have any partners back in Texas?" Hazel asked nervously.
"Mhm. I dated this one guy, he was the biggest douce bag ever, he only dated me cause he said I was good at sex," Lilliana explained. "Well, he ended up dumping me for a girl who worked at Hooters cause she had bigger boobs than me. So I put wing sauce from Hooters all over his car and smashed the lights with a golf club so he would get tickets when he drove, what about you?"
"Oh I've never dated anybody. I've always just called myself, undatable." Hazel chuckled like it was a funny thing. But when she looked at Lilliana, she realized maybe it wasn't that funny.
    "Hazel...I'm sorry, that's-"
    "No it's really fine! You don't need to pity me." Knots appeared in Hazel's stomach. Goddamnit she said the wrong thing. A uncomfortable silence flew over the stall. Hazel and Lilliana wouldn't make eye contact with each other, as if there was something keeping them for looking into each other's eyes. They both sat uncomfortably, Hazel on the ground with her back on the door, and Lilliana on the edge of the toilet seat cover. They sat like that until the bell rang.

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