11. Fastfoward To Tomorrow

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During the weekend, the club decided to do a fundraiser where they would sell their underwear to old men. Yeah, no way in hell Lilliana was doing that. To be honest see was just there to make sure Pj wasn't a bitch to Hazel again.
"Ah, we're having fun. We're selling panties." Pj said, like this was the best thing ever.
"I'm not selling panties." Lilliana added as she watched Stella, Isabel, and Brittany walk over to the disgusting old men.
"Yeah why aren't you selling Lilliana? You're like, really hot." Pj asked. Lilliana rolled her eyes.
"It's gross and perverted."
"Then why are you here?" Why was Lilliana here? Probably because both of her brothers were made it and she had a crush on Hazel so basically this was better than nothing.
"Because I want to be here." Did you really think she was gonna say all that stuff? No. No she was not. Pj went back to talking to Josie, but Hazel was groaning in pain behind them. Lilliana turned around and bent down to Hazel, who was slowly dying on the ground.
"Hazel. What is wrong? Are you constipated or something?" Pj asked in such annoyed way. Again with the self centered bitchy shit.
"I'm fucking tired. My mom was up all night fucking the meathead."
"Meathead? Who?" Lilliana asked with concern.
"What meathead?" Josie asked before giving a card to a customer.
"You know like the guy. He's like the crybaby," Lilliana, Josie, and Pj looked so god damn confused. "With the balls. He catches them and he-he throws them?" Hazel explained even further. The three still didn't get it. "He's like the main guy." Suddenly Josie got it.
"J-Jeff?" She looked back to make sure no one else was listening. "Is your mom hooking up with Jeff?"
"I just thought Jeff might be her safe word."
"Jeff is his name, you idiot," Pj snapped.
    "Just get the hot people confused, Jesus." Suddenly, Stella screamed and slipped, interrupting their situation. Pj went to talk to Josie again. Lilliana was still focused on Hazel.
  "Hey my mom let me borrow her car so if you want you can go sleep in there." Lilliana offered kindly.
   "Y-You'd let me do that?" Hazel tried to confirm, and Lilliana nodded smiling. She helped Hazel up and took her to the car.

    The weekend passed and soon Hazel and Lilliana were in the same bathroom stall as last time. They had gotten closer than ever.
   "Wait, wait, wait, wait. You were scared of Santa Claus when you were younger?" Hazel laughed.
    "Ok listen, when you tell a 6 year old girl that has witnessed her mother getting abused, the whole watching while you're sleeping will terrify her." Lilliana explained, laughing along. Hazel smiled and noticed something she hadn't before while looking at Lilliana fidgety arms. On the inside of her wrist, there was a little tooth drawn on.
"What's with the tooth?" Hazel asked curiously. Lilliana checked her arm and realized what she was talking about.
"Oh it's um, really stupid. But, I'll tell you anyways-"
"Because what is said in the stall, stays in the stall." Hazel smiled in the most dorkiest way Lilliana had ever seen, hell, she even may of blushed a bit.
"Yeah. Um, so my favorite band all got matching tooth tattoos so celebrate their first E.P together-"
"And who is this band?"
"I was getting there! It's a band with Phoebe Bridgers, Julien Baker, and Lucy Dacus, they're called Boygenius." Hazel smiled even more. Now fucking way. Lilliana was a Boygenius fan. Wait. Lilliana is a Boygenius fan. Only members of the LGBTQIA+ community are die hard Boygenius fans. Was Lilliana...gay? Could this beautiful girl she liked gay as well?
"Are you-" Hazel was about to ask the big question, when Isabel suddenly opened the door and grabbed Hazel by the hand. What the fuck just happened?

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