2. School Day

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"Welp, time for another year of torture." Lilliana said as she parked her car in the school parking lot. She grabbed a small mirror out of her bag and checked her face and hair.
"Does my outfit look okay?" She asked her two brothers.
"Looks fine to me." Asher responded but Orrin didn't reply. He had already had gotten out of the car and Lilliana didn't notice until she got out of the car too.
"Well, this is where we part ways. What's your guys' first class?" Asher asked his older siblings.
"I got Biology." Orrin replied with a sigh.
"History. What about you Asher?" Lilliana asked.
"Oh I have band."
"Band? Are you sure you wanna do that?" Lilliana questioned.
"Yeah why wouldn't I?"
"Well you might get bullied again-" The first bell cut Lilliana off.

   Lilliana walked into her history class, and she recognized most of the kids from the fair yesterday.
  "Wait I don't recognize you." The teacher stated from behind her. Lilliana turned around to see a man with long black dreadlocks and putting his legs onto his desk. He looked like he was supposed to be the gym teacher, but for some reason he was teaching history.
  "I'm new, my name is Lilliana Crook-"
  "Yeah whatever just take a seat." The teacher interrupted and Lilliana sat down. Two girls entered the classroom and everyone immediately started whispering about them. But not good things as if they were popular, no, stuff like, "I wonder how she did it" or, "why the hell would she beat up Jeff?" But all Lilliana was wondering, is why the hell these people were literally worshipping this Jeff guy?
  "Alight kiddos, welcome back to class." The teacher announced once the bell rang. Someone crumpled up a piece of paper and the next thing Lilliana heard was a random girl say, "My vagina belongs to government," and that's how she knew this school was officially weird as fuck.

"And then this random girl said, 'my vagina belongs to the government,'" Lilliana explained as she shoved rice into her mouth from her thermos. Lunch had finally came around and now Lilliana could tell her brothers how goddamn weird this school was. "Oh and that announcement from that girl this morning terrified me."
"Hey have you guys figured out what the deal with Jeff is? Why does everyone worship him?" Asher asked curiously, but was covering up something on his lip so it was kinda muffled. Orrin, being the oldest, (beating Lilliana by 15 seconds), obviously took notice of this.
  "Asher why are you covering up your lip?" He interrogated. Asher darted his eyes away from his older brother.
  "Yeah why are you covering your lip?" Lilliana followed. But Asher wouldn't come clean. He sat there with his head down, still covering his lip with his hand. Lilliana quickly reached over the table to grab Asher's face, forcing him to move his hand. Half of Asher's lip was red and bleeding.
"Oh my god, what happened?" Lilliana asked worriedly as she sat back down, letting go of Asher's face. Orrin's face looked frightened, now he was the one covering his mouth.
"I uh, had gym last period. And this school doesn't have gender neutral changing rooms, so I just changed in the boy's locker room. Some of the guys saw my binder and they-, um, uh," Asher tried to explain but couldn't tell the rest of the story without almost bursting into tears. Lilliana couldn't bare to see her little brother getting bullied for being trans. Even though this was the second time this happened, she just had to do something.

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