14. Meet Me In The Pale Moonlight

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   "See you tomorrow Lilliana!" Annie said as Lilliana jumped out of the van. Lilliana waved and smiled goodbye and then someone jumped out after her, Hazel.
   "Hazel, what are you-"
   "I thought I could walk you home!" Hazel said with a dorky smile. Lilliana laughed and nodded.
   "Okay, do that if you want," She replied, but couldn't help but blush. Hazel was so, sweet and dorky and cute, and that blowup scene was super fucking hot to Lilliana, even though she didn't understand why. The girls walked next to each other awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Lilliana fidgeted with her rings while taking glances at Hazel. Hazel looked around, but would also take glances too, and when they made eye contact they would just laugh it off.
   Soon they made it to a light blue two story Victorian designed house with white trimmings.
   "Well, this is my house..." Lilliana said awkwardly. Hazel stood and looked at it, swaying on the heels of her sneakers. The house was smaller than her's, but the again, Hazel was loaded.
   "It's so...cute! Where's your room?" She asked with that same dorky smile.
    "Oh I get the attic bedroom, it sounds weird but I really like it. It's nice and quiet up there," Lilliana replied as she made her way up the steps of her house. Shit. She was leaving. Hazel had to do something. She didn't want her to leave!
   "Lilliana wait! I need to ask you something!" Hazel yelled, scurrying up the steps to the gorgeous girl she admired oh so much. Lilliana turned her head to her. "I, I was gonna ask you this while we were in the bathroom, but Isabel kinda interrupted it and um," Words came out of Hazel's mouth, but not the ones she wanted to say.
   "Hazel, what's this about?" Lilliana asked in a confused manner. Hazel took a deep breath and finally let it out.
   "Do you like girls?" She closed her eyes and prayed for an answer. But she didn't get one. Millions of bad anxiety inducing thoughts went through her brain, but when she slowly opened her eyes, Lilliana's face was not what she expected.
   Lilliana's face was flushed pink, and she's stared at Hazel speechless. Not the bad kind of speechless though, like the good kind. Like the kind where you can't speech because you're so, happy. But still, Hazel couldn't be so sure. Maybe Lilliana was embarrassed by Hazel's comment.
   "I-I know you dated guys back in Texas, but um, I just wanted to say that you are one of the most beautiful, sweet, badass, comforting girls I have ever met and...I just, really really like you," Hazel stammered out. "God she probably thinks you're so weird now," She thought to herself, waiting for a response from Lilliana.
   Suddenly Lilliana began to move. She moved closer to Hazel, their hands touching. They got closer and closer, until Lilliana was close enough to kiss Hazel on the lips, and she did. Hazel was caught off guard, but slowly melted into the kiss as well. They stood on Lilliana's porch, kissing, under the little lamp hanging on the hood. They kissed for a good minute, and then they both pulled away.
   "I guess that answers your question huh?" Lilliana said while giggling. Hazel nodded with excitement. Lilliana kissed her. Her! She got the kiss! There was only one question left to ask.
   "Does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" Hazel asked, her eyes looking into Lilliana's.
   "Of course."

I don't wanna care tonight, I don't wanna fight. You don't have to give me anything.
-Meet Me In The Pale Moonlight, Lana Del Rey

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