17. Blood. Blood. Blood.

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The next morning the two girls were peacefully asleep, the morning sunlight shined onto their faces like a warm face mask.
"Girls...it's time to wake up." Lilliana's mom Amanda said as she entered the room, disturbing the peace that was once there. The two sleeping groaned a bit, and Lilliana slowly opened her eyes, looking up at her mother. She looked different, her hair was a bit messy, and she seemed...flustered almost?
   "Mom are you okay?"
   "Yes why d-do you ask?"
   "I dunno, you just seem a bit off."

   At school there was a big pep rally happening, and in girlfriend fashion, Hazel and Lilliana sat next to each other, but Lilliana noticed how Hazel seemed really fidgety and nervous. She squeezed girlfriend's her hand and asked,
    "Is everything okay?" Hazel snapped out of her fidgety demeanor when Lilliana spoke.
    "Yep! I'm totally fine-" Hazel was cut off by Jeff yelling into the microphone.
    "Everybody! Even the fucking losers! Make! Some! Noise!" The crowd of students cheered and roared, and girls started flashing their tits. "Alright so uh, we're gonna do the pep rally, first up, cheerleaders." Jeff explained, and that was followed by a simple dance of the cheerleaders just turning around and then pouring water bottles onto Stella Rebeca who laughed and giggled. Seriously Lilliana forgot how weird they were at this school.
   "Whoo! Yeah! Thank you ladies, whoo! Thank you all for joining us here today folks. There's been some, exciting stuff happening at Rockbridge Falls recently," Tim explained, "how many of you, know about that little girl fight club that could?" There was scattered applause, something about the way Tim said the sentence made Lilliana stomach turn, it felt so...off.
    "Well do we, have a surprise for you!" Time continued. "We're gonna bring...where is she...Hazel down." Tim snapped his fingers, and pointed up to where Lilliana and Hazel were sitting. "One of the founding members, to show us everything the club's taught her, in a fun little challenge." Lilliana looked up at Hazel was she got up and walked down. What? Why would she not tell her she was doing this? She didn't want to seem too worried, so she just clapped and cheered on her girlfriend with the rest of the audience.
   "Hazel, will be fighting Tucker. The school's number one boxer." Tim had a stupid ass smirk on his face. Hazel looked so lost in confused, all her confidence was gone.
    "What the fuck...?" Lilliana mumbled under her breath, she played with her rings. What was going on?
    "I know what you're thinking, but don't be alarmed! Girls can do anything guys can do, right?" The crowd cheered at Tim's snarky comment, but all Lilliana could do fidget and panic. "Ready? Go!" Suddenly, Tucker started speeding towards Hazel, but as soon as he got close to her she tripped him, making him land on his face. The crowd cheered as Hazel backed up, but Tucker got back up, running towards Hazel again and throwing her across the gym.
    "Shit!" Lilliana yelled as she watched. She was frozen, she didn't know what to do.
   People were cheering for Hazel to get up, which did give her the confidence she needed. Hazel crawled up, and ran towards Tucker, punching him in the face.
   "What is happening?" Orrin, who was in the row in front of Lilliana, asked.
    "I-I don't know! She didn't say anything about this last night!" Lilliana replied in a panic.
    "Yeah because she was too busy eating you out-" Asher added in but was cut off by Lilliana hitting him in the back of the head.
    "Asher shut the fuck up I'm trying to watch."
   Everyone watched as Hazel jumped on top of Tucker, pulling and scratching his face while he desperately tried to get her off, holy shit, was Hazel actually winning? Unfortunately no, because Tucker managed to throw her off, her head bouncing on the floor. She had lost.
   "I know what you're thinking, you may be wondering, how a girl, under the training of...of two juvie convicted killers, can't even stand up for herself against a regular old guy?" Tim's comment made Lilliana clench her fists. Did he ever shut the fuck up?
   "Well, the truth is they, they didn't go to juvie. No." Tim continued, Lilliana didn't give a fuck about what Pj and Josie didn't do or did, she just wanted to know if Hazel was okay. "There's no record of them there. And according to Hazel, they never fought anyone at all. And you know what else? They didn't start the club to empower women. They did it, to fuck cheerleaders." That comment. That fucking comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Why Josie and Pj actually kinda sucked at fighting, why they were so focused on Brittany and Isabel. Tim said his final comment, and Tucker kicked Hazel, right in the face.
   "All right the was unnecessary." Lilliana said, standing up from her seat, but Orrin stopped her before she could walk down the steps.
   "Lilliana don't-"
    "That's my god damn girlfriend Orrin, I'm going down there." Lilliana snapped, pulling her arm away from Orrin's hand. She ran down, pushing the other girls out of the way. "Oh my god, oh my god." She repeated, crouching down to Hazel, she held her hand tightly as she looked down at Hazel's knocked out face, her eyes began to water. Memories began to flash as Brittany and Stella Rebecca carefully carried her out.

    "YOU UNGRATEFUL WOMAN." Lilliana's father yelled, slapping her mother in the head with a beer bottle. Her mother pleaded for forgiveness, Lilliana stood there in the hallway, her 7 year old eyes watching as her father kicked and punched her mother to a pulp.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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