7. Awkward Family Dinner

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Lilliana couldn't remember the walk home from fight club. The only she could remember was Hazel's adorable blue eyes staring into her's. The way Hazel's dark brown shaggy hair covered the sides of her face while they were both on the ground. God fucking dammit. It was all she could think about. Nothing else. Just Hazel.
"Lilliana!" A voice yelled as Lilliana closed the door to her house. Orrin came walking towards her, looking absolutely pissed.
"What the hell!? Where have you been? I told you we have band practice!" He said. Shit. Lilliana forgot about band practice.
"Well I had fight club," She responded as an excuse.
"I thought mom said you couldn't do fight club cause she didn't wanted you getting hurt."
"I convinced her when I explained it was for Asher's sake," Lilliana snapped, and Orrin went quiet. Turns out he had forgotten about something else too. The fact that Asher was getting beat up for being transgender. The two twins stood there quiet for a minute. Facing each other with tension between them.
   "I think I should quit the band." Lilliana confessed, and Orrin went speechless.
   "I- uh- excuse me!? Asher and I can't do it on our own. You're the lead singer!"
    "Yeah, I'm only a singer. I don't play an instrument. You have a great voice, and Finn Wolfhard has a two person band, so I'm sure you and Asher will be fine." Lilliana said, taking off her shoes and walking past Orrin, leaving him in the dust.

"So Lilliana, how was fight club today?" Amanda, Orrin, Lilliana, and Asher's mom asked as she ate her Mac n Cheese. Oh yeah, fight club. The place where Lilliana was developing a crush on the girl who she fought today.
"I-It was good." Lilliana answered, praying that she wasn't blushing. Orrin glared at her, still pissed about the conversation earlier.
"Well I'm glad you're liking it, and Asher, what do have to say to your sister?" Amanda said. All eyes went to Asher.
"You should quit cause I'm not a baby."
"What? You know how lame it is knowing that the person who you're being protected by is your older sister? It's literally an easy way of being bullied even more." Great. Both of Lilliana's brothers didn't like the fact that she was doing fight club. But would she quit? No. She wouldn't quit. See, the conversation she had with her mom earlier in the week? It wasn't just about her protecting Asher. It was about protecting her mom too. Just in case they ever see that abusive horrible excuse of a father ever again. But she didn't say anything about it. Lilliana just picked at her Mac n Cheese.

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