8. Bad Connection, Bad Secrets (p.1)

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"You little bitch it's actually working." Joise said to Pj they walked through the halls, Hazel following behind them like a puppy.
"I told you." Pj replied smirking.
"I know I feel like if we keep it up we can actually take on Huntington you guys!" Hazel exclaimed with joy, Josie smiled in agreement, but Pj look visibly annoyed.
    "No, if we keep it up, we can put our fingers inside of each other. Grow up." (Weird Pj dialogue counter: 1) Hazel rolled her eyes at Pj's snarky and disgusting remark.
    "You know, Pj, I feel like people are actually liking more than just the hitting and the tackling of the club," Hazel explained to the two girl who were obviously not paying attention and just high five-ing and waving to everyone.
     "Yeah I know," Pj said, "We're empowering them. Duh." Geez, how oblivious was Pj?
     "No, I mean, seriously, to have a safe space like this it means a lot to people and I think that if we took some time to spend a meeting and actually get to know these girls, like, it would be really important, instead of just, like, sweating on them and, looking into her green eyes as you have her on the ground, touching her beautiful soft hair-" Hazel caught herself talking about a certain girl and stuff. "You-you know what I mean." Josie and Pj turned around and stared at each other like they just heard the most mind blowing thing ever.
"Hazel that is a genuinely brilliant idea, I love talking about my trauma." Josie stated and Pj nodded in agreement.
"I literally jack off after every single therapy session. It just makes girls weirdly horny! It does!" (Weird Pj dialogue counter: 2) Pj said excitedly, and Josie bickered with her before Tim came up behind them.
"Bonjour! I just wanted to say I'm loving what I'm hearing about the club, it seems so supportive of women. Especially the hot ones." Tim said calmly.
"Yeah, well, all women are hot to me." Pj smirked. Tim looked her with a concerned smile.
"Listen it's really cute and everything, but we're getting a little to close the game now and, um...I'm just a bit concerned it might be taking away attention from our team."
"I, I think that's like, literally impossible to do..." Josie said holding up a Jeff flyer. Josie was right. It's very much impossible to take away attention from the football team. But Tim just nodded and walked away, leaving the three girls confused as hell.

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