10. Bad Connection, Bad Secrets (p.3)

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   Hazel walked through the dim empty halls of the school after fight club. She had mixed feelings about the meeting. On one hand, Pj interrupted Hazel's talk about how the club made her feel safe and comfortable, on the other hand, (literally), Lilliana held her hand, and Josie actually made a good point too. Hazel kept walking and walking through the hall, almost going out the door until a voice yelled,
    "Hazel! Hazel wait!" Hazel turned her head to see Lilliana running after her. "I wanna talk to you," She said. Hazel looked a little confused, what in the world did she want to talk about? "The way Pj interrupted you, it was super shitty." Oh, that's what she wanted to talk to you. "I mean, I see you hang out with her all the time, and I've noticed she's not that...nice. She's kinda a bitch."
    "Well she's my friend, so uh, don't call her a bitch. And if your this pissed about Pj interrupting me, then why didn't you say anything?" Hazel pointed out. Lilliana fidgeted with her rings, like she did when she was talking about Texas.
     "Ok, what I'm about to say is gonna sound shitty and bitchy, but Josie was already talking, and I...I just couldn't." Hazel went quiet. Lilliana really sounded sorry. "Listen, um, my brother told me last night that he didn't want me to protect him. He's getting bullied here too, so I wanted to join the club thinking that it would help him, but he got mad at me. I've been trying not really fight with people...so others don't get embarrassed, I'm, I'm really sorry I just-" Hazel couldn't take it anymore. She ran up to Lilliana and hugged her. Hugged her like there was no tomorrow. Her heart beat so much that you could hear it.
   "It's okay, don't apologize." Hazel said, but it was a little muffled because her head was in Lilliana's shoulder. The two stood there in the moment. In the dim empty hall.

   Hazel opened the door to her house. Something felt, off. Like, really off. There were noises, erotic noises, coming from her mom's room.
   "Mom?" Hazel shouted out, but no one answered.
   "Mom?" Hazel shouted again, and her mother came out giggling in a fancy robe.
   "Oh, hi honey. What are you doing home so early?" Her mother said suspiciously. Someone walked out as well. And that someone. It was that goddamn popular kid from school. He was wearing his football shoulder pads and in a tight disgusting thong. One thing lead to another and Hazel put the pieces together. What. The. Fuck.
   "Are you kidding me!?" Hazel yelled, absolutely disgusted with her mother.
    "I had a long day!" Her mother chuckled.
     "Mrs. Callahan, can I have a snack?"

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