13. Isabel's Revenge (p.2)

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   The girls made a plan for that night. They wore all black and took Annie's black van to fit in with the dark night. They stocked up on eggs and toilet paper to take revenge on that mother fucking cheater. The girls pulled down their black ski masks, and snuck up onto the house, and soon, they were throwing eggs and the T.P all over the place, except...it wasn't good T.P-ing. Lilliana soon realized that maybe most of the girl didn't know how to T.P a house. She watched Sylvie weakly throw a roll and sighed.
   "Sylvie, what are you doing?"
   "T.P-ing this bastard's house," Sylvie laughed and threw another weak one. Lilliana had enough and grabbed the next roll out of her hands.
    "You're doing it wrong, this is how you T.P," Lilliana said as she took a step back. She put her feet in place and took a strong throw, and the roll landed on a window on the second floor. The other girls stared in awe. "Don't be a surprised, I lived in Texas. My first time T.P-ing was in elementary school,"
    After about 10 minutes of egging and the most horrible T.P-ing Lilliana had ever seen in her life, the girls decided to pack up. But someone was missing: Hazel.
   "Hey where did Hazel go?" Lilliana asked the others, but the only answers she got were shoulder shrugs and people turning their heads to try and find her. Suddenly Hazel came out running and waving her hand in the air.
  "It's gonna blow!" She screamed in a hurry.
  "Oh, wow, yeah, it's gonna blow guys," Pj teased, but Hazel was right in the end and Jeff's car exploded behind Hazel. All the girls began screaming and scurrying around, but the only thing Lilliana could do was think, why the hell was that hot?

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