16. Lovers Rock

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Hazel stormed through the halls on the verge of tears. 
   "Why oh why did Pj have to be so, mean," she thought to herself. She kept walking, trying to get to her locker when suddenly Tim called out her name.
    "Hey Hazel!" He said with a sly smirk. "So I was just thinking, the pep rally is tomorrow and maybe you wanna show off what the fight club, um, taught you basically. You can fight another person of your choice," Hazel thought about it. Fight another person of her choice...?
   "Uh, yeah sure! I'll do it, can I fight Pj?"
   "Of course! Excellent choice..."

Instead of wallowing in self pity at her own house with her rich ass mom, Hazel decided to spend her time snuggling Lilliana. They listened to Lucy Dacus's Home Video album on the record player in Lilliana's attic bedroom, Hazel lying on Lilliana's chest as her ginger girlfriend played with her hair.
"Alright, question number 5-" Lilliana said, picking up the study guide to Mr. G's Women Murdered In History Test. Hazel just groaned. "Look if we're gonna lay here all night let's at least do something productive." Hazel just groaned again at Lilliana's comment. The whole argument with Pj was really getting her down. At least tomorrow she'd get to punch her in her stupid snarky face. "Hazellll," Lilliana said in a singy-songy tone, curling her fingers around Hazel's short shaggy hair. It felt so nice.
     "Yes?" Hazel replied, she couldn't resist Lilliana. Not in a million years.
     "Are you feeling okay? You're not your energetic dorky self," her girlfriend asked, and Hazel's stomach turned. She didn't feel good, but she didn't want Lilliana to worry.
     "I-I'm fine. I really am." She lied, but her ginger haired lover saw right through her.
     "No you're not. It's about what Pj said huh?" Lilliana asked, and Hazel nodded her head guilty in response. "Don't let her get to you. She doesn't know anything."
"It's not that simple though. I-It's too hard for me. Every time I mess up or get criticized, it's all I can think about. I'm not like you, I can't just brush off what people think about me," Hazel snapped, looking up at Lilliana's worried face. No, no, no! She had done it again! She said too much. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you-"
    "No, Hazel, you're okay. If anything I should be the sorry one. I should've asked how you felt about it before just telling you to brush it off," Lilliana interrupted, she held onto Hazel tighter.
     "I love you..." Hazel mumbled, she pulled Lilliana's head closer to her, and they kissed passionately.

      A bit later, Asher had the task of telling Hazel and Lilliana it was time for dinner. He knocked on his older sister's door.
   "Fuck- Um, come in!" Lilliana stammered from behind the door. Asher opened the door to see Lilliana covering herself with a blanket and all flustered in the face.
    "Uh, where's Hazel?" The younger boy asked curiously.
    "S-She's um, uh, in the bathroom." Lilliana quickly replied, and Asher looked at the bed, and saw a head shaped bumped under the blanket.
    "Uh huh...sure."

"And if you start to kiss, and the record skips, flip it over, and sit a little closer."
-Lovers Rock, TV Girl.

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