12. Isabel's Revenge (p.1)

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   Isabel basically was pulling Hazel through the halls, and boy, did she look pissed. Lilliana was following behind them, but stopped once Isabel approached Jeff's glory table in the cafeteria.
   "Lilliana what is happening?" Orrin asked his sister, but she just shrugged her shoulders.
    Meanwhile Hazel was terrified while Isabel walked her up to Jeff.
    "Are you having sex with Mrs. Callahan?" Isabel scolded, in the most terrifying voice ever.
    "Baby, you look so beautiful. Like, so fucking hot. How, how are you?"
    "Bad. Are you having sex with her?" At this point the whole cafeteria was watching as Jeff tried to sputter something out.
    "I'm...I'm, I'm, I'm helping her with her taxes."
     "Aren't you in eighth grade algebra?" Hazel interrupted.
    "I can't answer that question because I, I don't know how to read," Jeff chuckled, but Isabel was still not having it.
    "She's asking you to your face!" She yelled, and Jeff mumbled something about normally working. "Are you cheating on me again?" Isabel asked for the second time.
    "Baby, no! No! No, why would, why would I do, that was one time with your sister, just one- two- four times! No, I would never cheat on you again, okay? I promise you, I am not sleeping with her,"
     "I- I literally saw you yesterday,"
    "Shut up, nerd! I fucked your mom!" It took Jeff's football brain a second to figure out what he just yelled to Hazel and in front of the whole cafeteria.
   "Yeah, we're done." Isabel scoffed and walked away, and the other fight club girls joined her. "I'm getting revenge, I'm gonna fuck up some football players and I'm buyin' a gun."
    "Hell yeah, I'll get my stepdad's." Sylvie said and Annie and her talked ideas.
    "Or what about like, a bomb." Hazel blurted and the girls stopped and stared. Lilliana tried to stop herself from laughing, cause to be honest, that was a brilliant idea. "Like, like a super small bomb...I mean, they're super easy to make, and I can just put it under his car, and it can be a distraction."
    "Yeah, Hazel, let's do terrorism." Pj scoffed sarcastically.

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