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I entered our cell room, we're about to have dinner when the Chief called me earlier telling me I'll be free tomorrow... bad news.

After assaulting some middle schoolers who didn't gave me money, I was send here in juvie. At first, I didn't like it... but this place is better than living outside.

My cell mates are just eating casually on our mini-table here. I sat on the free space and flip the table, spilling all the food on the floor with a loud thud. Looking dense like it's the normal thing to do.

"This bitch lose her mind again." Erin, one of my cell mate said.

I always annoy them whenever I am bored. Well... it's really boring here.

Shie, my other cell mate, stood up and went to me. "Hey, what's your problem? Huh?" She said slapping me lightly multiple times.

"I will be free tomorrow." I told them sadly.

Kia, also a cell mate, laughed. "Why? Are you bragging about it? Glad you'll be gone."

"No... don't wanna go out." I said blankly looking at them.

All of them surround me aside from Haru, also a cellmate, who's just watching. "Let her be, she's picking a fight so she can stay here more." She said.

I nod lightly. Puppy eyes at them so we can make a chaos tonight when the officers starts their rounds.

The four of them starts cleaning the floor while I am looking at them blankly, sucking my teeth because of boredom. Blinking slowly thinking how my plan failed, they should be throwing punches right now like they always did.

"What should we eat now? We'll be hungry later because of that dumbass." Kia said looking at me.

"Let her be... if we fight back it might add up to our sentence." Erin said rolling her eyes at me.

Shie is about to take the mop beside me but I grabbed it first. "Give it to me, you already hit my nerve earlier." She said.

Among all of them, Shie is the easiest to get annoyed. She doesn't like defeat so she always fight back.

I kick the wooden stick of the map breaking it and hit Shie in her side stomach. The other's mouth gaped and she starts groaning in pain while glaring at me.

I smiled at her. "You slapped me several times earlier so..." I said and hit her again.

As expected she fight back. All of them come at me, letting out every annoyance they felt since earlier when I flipped our food.

Hitting them with one stick is not enough. They keep on landing hit on me with their punches. Four versus one is not so fair. I climbed up onto the mini-table and swing the stick, making them back out a little. I break the stick in two, holding one each hand.

"You fuckers are dead tonight." I told them and giggled.

I began hitting them again in every part I can. Damn, it's tiring. I've fought with them a lot, almost everyday but today we are going all out since this might be my last day.

Haru managed to grab my hair while I am busy hitting Kia and Erin.

"Fuck you!" I shouted while she pulled my hair.

I hit Erin's head with a stick and she fell losing consciousness. One down...

Haru is still pulling my hair behind me so I pushed her by walking backwards. Letting her back hit the stoned wall with forced, she groaned and I elbowed her stomach. She kneeled in pain, damn weaks. Two down.

I looked at Kia and Shie, they are shocked by what just happened. I threw them the sticks and tied my hair. "Use that as a weapon, come at me at once." I beckoned them.

Both of them didn't take the stick. "Weapons are for the weaks." Shie smirked.

Kia come at me landing a punch on my cheek and I kicked her stomach. I turned to Shie, she greeted me with her fist. Kia who's behind me, headlock me with her thin arms.

"And what do you call with people who can't fight alone?" I asked smiling and choking in Kia's arm.

"I don't know, ask yourself... you've been alone for a long time." Shie answered and punch my stomach.

"We don't experience being alone, we have each other." Kia told me.

"That's why you guys followed each other here on juvie." I laughed. "Weaklings." I uttered.

Lifting both of my feet forcefully, Shie back off a little. I hold Kia's arm on my neck and bend down with all my strength lifting her up. Her arms loosened up by the sudden force, I threw her on the floor flipping her up. That's make it three.

Shie starts taking care of Kia who's crying in pain on the floor. I put my foot on Shie's shoulder and pushed her to the ground, she glared at me while trying to remove my foot.

"See? If you didn't check on her I won't get you like this." I grinned.

And four. K.O!

An officer in charge of walking rounds, around the cell at night saw the mess in our room. My face lightened and peace sign at him. I was caught, mission success!

I was brought to a different cell, a room with no lights, no bed, no anything. Just floor and a window lighting the room with the moonlight. I spend the night here hugging my knees in coldness. Alone.


"I heard you cause a mess last night?" The Chief asked.

I rolled my eyes. I am now at the Chief's office after spending the night at a cold room.

"You did that since you don't want to go out but you already serve your six months sentence." He poured hot water on his tea. "I heard it's your birthday tomorrow, congratulations you'll turn 18." He said.

I rolled my eyes again. "I wanna spend my birthday here, sir." I told him.

He turned to me confusely. "Did you lost some screws in your head? Why do you want to stay in the juvie that bad?" He asked.

"If I go outside, I don't have a place to sleep." I looked at him blankly. "I will assault someone again and come back here. Trials are tiring, hearing people arguing when I don't give a fuck, so let me stay here." I plead.

He sips on his tea and leaned back on the couch. "You are frustrating... if you did it again, you will be in jail not here." A sighed left his chest. "Take her out, she's free today anyway." He told the officers near his office's door.

I pulled my arms away when the officers hold me. "I can walk alone, don't touch me." I told them.

"Hey..." the Chief called my attention. "Live your life for the better... you are still young and has a lot of time to enjoy it."

I looked at him disgustingly, cringing by the words he just said. "Nope... I'll die at 20." I let out my tongue teasing him childishly.


I sighed and walk out of the juvie. Other people would be glad going out from jail or juvie but not me. I don't have a place outside.

I pulled up my hoodie wearing it and put down my skateboard. Damn, I miss riding this.

A lunatic woman suddenly hold my arms. "Y/N?"


sadly no mikey yet hehe and tysm to my friends for letting me use their names ahshdhdh

@Sanzuwich @sanzuslvt @jellaltin

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