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"I like diapers".

The three words that started it all.

Hi there! My name is Connor. And I am what some would call an:


Or ABDL for short.

I'm not sure exactly when I realized that I was one, definitely before I became an adult, that's for sure. Maybe it was when I took old pull ups from my younger brother's room and tried them on? Maybe it was stealing pull ups from my church's nursery (Sorry bout that one God)? One thing I know for sure is that it defines a part of me in a big way. While I've only ever shown that side of me to a very small group of people (all being online), it's still part of what makes me, me. This all changed when I got a girlfriend (told my parents I wasn't gay!!). She attended my high school, and she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, brown hair with purple highlights, an Australian accent, and taller than me to boot! I never could work up the courage to confess my feelings to Amelia, but luckily for me, she was much more confident than I was!
I remember it like it was yesterday:

I walk down the hall at the beginning of my sophomore year, trying not to show the world that I'm panicking because I'm about to be late

"Crap crap crap crap!!! A whole year at this school and I still have no damn idea where I'm going, why do I have such a bad sense of direction ~_~"

My thoughts get interrupted by accidentally bumping into someone, falling at first, but getting caught by the mystery person

"Are you okay?" She said as she still holds onto me

"Y-yeah, I'm sorry for running into-"

for the first time, I look up to see my mystery savior, only for it to be...



I stand there like an idiot as she pulls me upright and just stares down at me

"Are you okay little one?"

I've never been more nervous in my life

"W-what? Y-yes! S-sorry for bumping into-

I get cut off my her pushing her fingers to my lips

"I've been looking at you for some time now, you're absolutely adorable. How about you become my boyfriend, hmm?"

There it is. The words I have dreamt of in many wet dreams

I stutter my words only able to choke out a soft "Y-Yes please!" As I stand there frozen. She gives out a soft chuckle and demands my phone

Unable to deny I give it to her, where she promptly entered her phone number

After that day, we were officially a couple

We dated all throughout high school, her driving me to school because she doesn't trust me to drive, her insisting on helping feed me my lunches, us having gaming sessions after school, me making her laugh with dumb jokes and goofy faces, it was amazing, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Eventually, graduation time came, and we congratulated each other for not failing. This wasn't a time of tears for us, because we knew we got into the same college as one another, and better yet, due to Lady Luck being on our side, we have an apartment close to the college all to ourselves

That brings me to this moment. It's only one week into living with her, and with only a few days left until our first college semester starts, I don't think I can hide it from my long term girlfriend

I work up my courage the night before, practicing what I was gonna say and mentally preparing myself to only cry after she rejects me and leaves, not during it.

I pulled up my big boy pants (ironic), and went into the bedroom where she was getting ready for the day

"Hey babe, how are you doing? Is there something wrong? You look worried."

She always was good at reading my facial expressions, so I just sigh and look at the ground

"I have something to tell you....ever since I was a preteen, I've had this fascination with something...well...weird. I want to tell you so that we won't have any secrets between us and I understand if you want to leave me after and-"
I feel her hand on my shoulder as she lifts my head by my chin to meet her eyes

"Hey, it's okay, I would never leave you okay? Now just tell me."

I work up my courage and avert my gaze from hers

"Well...the thing is...that I might really like..."


Her gaze was mixed with a quick and fleeting emotion of confusion, completely dominated by one of intrigue, and...happiness??

"You like diapers? Is that so...."

She takes a step back and looks at me, making me feel like she's 5 feet taller than me, feeling smaller than I ever had before as she showed a smile like I've never seen before

"Well isn't that...interesting~"

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