Feast for a king (or princess)

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We both woke up at the same day, bright and early, a little sad because this will be our last day in Disney, the day of Christmas Eve, and despite dreading going all the way back home, we were still excited!!

"Alright baby, today we're gonna eat at the beauty and the beast castle!! I know how much you loooove that movie my little princess!!"

Her remarks make me both smile widely and blush brightly, excited for the day as we get dressed, brush our teeth and hair, and head out for the monorail

I lay on her shoulder as we see the giant castle in the distance, making us wait in anticipation for the delicious feast yet to come

We get past security and make a B line straight for the castle, having to wait a little bit for our reservation to go through, we try to entertain ourselves with 20 questions and other small games like that

We finally get in, and get seated, and the whole room was so fancy and awesome, it's like we were actually in beauty and the beast!!

I just ordered water for my drink, my mommy ordering a mimosa, me giving her furrowed eyebrows for drinking at 11 AM, her response being to stick her tongue out at me

I simply order the filet Minon and she orders the same thing (for such a fancy castle they don't have many choices at all)

We eat our steaks and man they're sooooo good!! Mama said they were okay but I disregard her opinion since she's super picky and also a chef, so double picky

I look around the place and see the beast come out!! He comes over to our table and I give him a biiiiig hug while mommy takes a picture of us "awwwww it's beauty and the beast right here! My little princess~"

I blush as he curtsies away, and we're left to eat our dessert and leave, riding a few rides waiting for the Christmas fireworks

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