New rules for a new life

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As I sat submissively in my girlfriend's (now mommy's) lap, I couldn't help but feel a wave of calm washing over me, as if something as simple as her touch was enough to ease any anxiety or fear that I had about anything.

"Okay baby boy, so what you're gonna do is take the colored pencils and you're gonna write the rules that I write down, is that clear sweet pea?" She said in a honey suckle voice

"Y-yes ma'am I undewstand" the paci in my mouth making me slur my words

She kisses me on the cheek and exclaims "such a good boy I have! Alright, you ready for your new rules?"

I nod and pick up the green colored pencil

"Okay hunny, your new rules are as follows:"

1. Always do what mommy says
2. Never lie to mommy
3. Never disobey mommy
4. Never hurt yourself or others
5. You belong to mommy
6. Always follow these rules
7. No cumming without mommies permission

• no cumming
• time out
• spanking
• writing lines
•Sooner bedtime

• playtime with mommy
• candy
• pick out a toy or stuffy
• later bedtime

As I write all of these out, I feel extremely embarrassed, enhanced by the fact she's bouncing me on her knee while I write all of this, making my handwriting a little bit messier as if a toddler wrote it (which didn't help me beat the baby allegations)

"Alright sweetie, so do you understand all of these rules? Nod if you do"

I obeyed and nodded

"Awwww such a good boy! You're so cute I could eat you up!" She says as she pretends to nibble my nose, making me involuntarily giggle and smile

"Awwwww there's my happy baby!" She keeps bouncing me on her knee, putting her hand on the front of my diaper making me moan quietly, but then pushing on my bladder, making me whimper as the front starts to turn yellow

I scrunch up my face, pouting softly as mommy makes me have an accident in my diapers

Amelia feels the front swell and warm up as she gives out a soft chuckle "awwww what a little baby, I was thinking of maybe switching to pull ups, but clearly you're just too wittle!!"

I feel overwhelmed by emotions, so I do the one thing I can do....I hide my face in her neck and hold onto her with all I can

She picks me up and walks around the room, bouncing and cooing at me as I calm down

"Hey baby? How about we get that icky diaper changed, and then go for some ice cream since you've been such a good boy today!"

I nod excitedly for ice cream since I don't get it myself much. I may not have a sweet tooth, but who doesn't like ice cream!

She chuckles and brings me over to the changing table, lays me down and starts picking out more clothes for me "what should my little baby wear for his first time out?~"

My eyes open wide hearing that, only now realizing that I'm not going to be wearing anything normal out in public, and for the first time....I wet myself without mommy's help

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