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I get woken up by mommy changing my diaper, and she gets more woken up by my soft whines as I try to cover my eyes from the bright room light beaming down on them

"Shh shh shh it's okay baby boy, we're getting up earlier cause we're eating at chef Mickey's!!"

I shoot up, now wide awake and excited for our breakfast!!

Chef mickeys is the bestest buffet ever!! So many stuff and they also have milk and guava juice and pancakes and sausage and syrup and watermelon even though it's December and-

I snap out of my thoughts as she brushes my teeth, and then we head on down the elevator to Chef Mickey's buffet

As she does boring adult stuff like check in and pay for stuff, I get distracted looking through the nearby shops and all of the toys and puzzles and plushies and toys, until she grabs my shoulder and leads my starstruck gaze away from the store and into....a line?? What the heck? We have to wait in lines here too?

I pout gently and she just chuckles "it's okay baby, we're just gonna get a picture with this Mickey statue and then we can sit down and eat, okay bubba? I don't wanna see any pouts on that cute face of yours!"

I just nod and silently groan

Who likes taking pictures anyways? They're so boring and I don't even get to see them until forever after we take them and I have to wait in a stupid long line too, nothing good about pictures!

Despite my silent protests, we finally make it up to the front of the line, and take a picture with the statue in the middle of us (how dare Mickey make me a cuck!!)

We sit down, order our drinks, and then get back up to go through the buffet line

I loaded my plate up with sausages, pancakes, waffles, potatoes, watermelon, eggs, bacon, more eggs, an omelette, bread, syrup, and a few grapes to make it more healthy of course

We sit down and she looks at me weirdly

"Why are you looking at me like that"

"I just don't know how a little baby can eat that much!"

I stick my tongue out at her "well at least I'm not super picky like you!!"

She sticks hers out at me, making me giggle

I start eating my mountain of food while sipping my milk, watching mommy look past me with a happy expression, taking a strange photo of me

"What're you doin mama?"

She chuckles and points behind me, which I look and I see....


I jump up and hug Pluto as he hugs me back, mommy taking a whole bunch of pictures of us two, cooing a bunch at us as he leaves for others, leaving me and her with an empty plate and satisfied tummies

"Alright baby boy, let's get on the monorail so we can get over to Hollywood Studios! I have a little surprise for you when we get there!"

I nod excitedly as we both race over to the monorail platform, my mind swirling with what could be waiting for me in the park

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