Hollywood studios part 2

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We finish eating our ice cream, and start to go over to the tower of terror and rock n roller coaster

We stand in front of the tower of terror in all of its frightening glory, not realizing that I'm holding onto mommy's arm and shaking a bit...okay maybe a lot

"You okay baby boy? Are you sure you want to ride this? Cause it's okay if you don't want to, mama only wants to ride it if you do"

I nod and choke out "I-I wanna ride it, it is just a bit uhm....scary I guess...."

She just hugs me "awww baby boy, well don't worry baby boy, mama will make sure nothing happens to you okay? She will protect you!!"

I nod reassured as we walk through the line, getting past all of the pipes and cogs, and finally get to the elevator where we sit in our seats, strap in, and I lay back on mommy's arm she puts behind my head to make sure I don't bang it

My tummy feels all weird as we go through the story of the tower of terror and how a bunch of people died in this elevator...then everything goes dark....and then we DROP SO FAST DOWN!!!!

I scream loudly and hold onto mommy a bunch as we stop, and then go down a few more times as we reach the bottom

I walk out with mommy with shaky legs, her chuckling and bringing me to the bathroom to change me

"You have fun baby boy?" She asks as she cleans me up

I nod as I just lay back to get my heart to stop racing

We ride a few more rides like rock and roller coaster that went super fast, and Mickey's train ride, and finally we went over to stars wars land where we rode a cool ride that had us role playing like we were prisoners and were escaping the empire!!

Mommy had to go to the bathroom, so she had me wait outside as she went, and I went and sat on a bench near her just swinging my feet till she got back

I turnt my head when a man approached me, and took me by the hand starting to pull me with him

"W-what are you doing I'm waiting for my mommy she said not to-"

He cut me off "I actually know your mommy, she said she wants me to bring you to another park while she goes and gets stuff she left, now come on and don't make any noise okay?"

I get really scared and start looking around, tears welling up in my eyes as we get further from the bathroom, trying to get away from his iron grip

"M-mommyyyyyyyy!!!" I yell out, causing the big man to put his hand over my mouth, making me extremely scared

I keep freaking out until he suddenly falls on the ground, letting me go, and I turn around, seeing....mommy!!!!

She's standing over him, his face bloodied and her fist even bloodier as she jumps on him, pins him down, and calls security over to her

"This man was trying to kidnap my little!!"

They nod in understanding as one of them take the man into custody, and the other one goes over to ask if I'm okay, and if it's okay if we both go with them to make a statement

I shakily agree as I run over to mommy and hug her while sobbing

She just picks me up and hugs me tightly, shushing and cooing in my ear that everything is going to be okay, and that I'm safe with her now

We go over to the office area, make reports, exchanged contact information with the security, and left the park, getting on the monorail and getting back to our hotel early, watching family feud in bed together, trying to block out how scary both the tower of terror and that man was as we both fall asleep for the next day to come

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